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Items flying around after opening doors


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So I just starting to finish my skyrim play after stopping for a year. I installed a bunch of mods also.

Now after I open doors items in the room would fly all over the place. Another thing I noticed is that when I try to pass swaying traps I would teleport randomly. I'm guessing this is collision related?

Here's a list of mods that I use:

A Quality World Map Installer

Barenziah Quest Markers


Climates Of Tamriel

Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - everything from it


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch - everything from it


I would greatly appropriate the helps.

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Hi and welcome


The playthrough you are currently busy with, have you uninstalled any mods at any time?


Also you need to provide a BOSS log. http://boss-developers.github.io/ run that and then copy paste the results. You don't run a lot of mods but I have a feeling you might be leaving something out. It is unlikely those mods are causing an issue, it is likely something else.

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Hi and welcome


The playthrough you are currently busy with, have you uninstalled any mods at any time?


Also you need to provide a BOSS log. http://boss-developers.github.io/ run that and then copy paste the results. You don't run a lot of mods but I have a feeling you might be leaving something out. It is unlikely those mods are causing an issue, it is likely something else.Ye

I have uninstalled several mods that I was using but I couldn't remember which ones. Here's the BOSS log:

These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action.

  • Skyrim.esm Active
  • Update.esm Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • Dawnguard.esm Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • HearthFires.esm Active
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 Active
  • Dragonborn.esm Active
  • Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}
  • ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Version 3.1 Active
  • HighResTexturePack01.esp Active
  • HighResTexturePack02.esp Active
  • HighResTexturePack03.esp Active
  • Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Version 1.1.6 Active
  • SkyUI.esp Version 4.1 Active
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I suggest you run this on your save it might help http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?


Alternatively revert to a save before uninstalling the mods but I'm sure you can't remember which save that was so run that tool.

I used it and the game still does the same thing. Just on the side, I get disease each time from going through blade traps...which wasn't happening before.

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Does this all happen when you start a new game? Quickly make sure, if it does then validate the integrity with steam.


I'm confused, either you're mistaking vanilla elements with problems or something is really wrong. But with your load order it is unlikely, your game is minimally modded.


Also shouldn't Climates of Tamriel have a few more esp's? I think you need to get the compatibility patches for dawnguard, dragonborn etc.

Edited by velve666
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Does this all happen when you start a new game? Quickly make sure, if it does then validate the integrity with steam.


I'm confused, either you're mistaking vanilla elements with problems or something is really wrong. But with your load order it is unlikely, your game is minimally modded.


Also shouldn't Climates of Tamriel have a few more esp's? I think you need to get the compatibility patches for dawnguard, dragonborn etc.

It is freshly installed. It seems like it's my save file's problem. It was an old file with a lot of small mods. Looks like I need start a new one again.

Thank you for your help. <3

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Yeah, turn vsync back on as camaro suggests. Interiors can have have much higher FPS than outdoors and at high FPS Havok will cause stuff to fly all over the place or rattle aginst fixed structures.

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Thanks a lot. My skyrim was running without Vsync at about 160 FPS.

New problem is my monitor is set to 144 Hz. Is there any way to limit FPS in skyrim to 60?

I'm using 2 Nvidia card. So on the nvidiaInspector thing which setting do I change?

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