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Okay my idea is that the door to Megaton is blocked by a giant chocolate milk (i know this seems dumb) and when you walk up to it and actiate it a very fat man appears (his name is James) and starts yelling DONT TOUCH MY CHOCOLATE MILK, and starts hitting you (unarmed) He is a very slow person and isnt very strong and if possible can he be wearing a this hat (see pic) and when he dies he yells "DONT TOUCH MY CHICKEN WINGS" i know it seems dumb but it would mean the world to me if it was made


And is it possible to make the hatt black with a white ribbin

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Is your desire so intense that you want an entire group of modders to spend many months having to make a new body, voice acting, clothing, textures, etc when there are so many better mods to be made? Just to make a singular mod that you and your friend, and only the 2 of you, will ever download?
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Okay my idea is that the door to Megaton is blocked by a giant chocolate milk (i know this seems dumb) and when you walk up to it and actiate it a very fat man appears (his name is James) and starts yelling DONT TOUCH MY CHOCOLATE MILK, and starts hitting you (unarmed) He is a very slow person and isnt very strong and if possible can he be wearing a this hat (see pic) and when he dies he yells "DONT TOUCH MY CHICKEN WINGS" i know it seems dumb but it would mean the world to me if it was made


And is it possible to make the hatt black with a white ribbin

It would be funny if you give him the accent from the scottish sumo wrestler from the austin powers movie

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geez Xanorak, cut kazaazak some slack. Forget that rhymed. Just because someone has a crazy mod idea doesn't mean you need to totally grind their hopes into the dirt under a giant spiky KISS boot. Just think of how many people could use a modders resource of a big fat guy? Just because a handful of people will use the product, doesn't mean people can't benefit from the mods components. If you've been in the modding community, you'll notice that nobody is particularly anal about people copying their mods so long as they give credit. That's what helps make bigger and better mods is other people's work benefitting future mods and inspiring more ideas. If you just tell people off about their mod because it seems different, BOOM inspiration gone TIME PARADOX no future mods. You need to keep an open mind. Just some food for thought.


Keep on pumpin' put them crazy ideas kazaazak! Fight the machine :thumbsup:

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