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Seems usless


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I'm just so astonished how something like this could mean the world to anybody...


Let's think about it. He wants a large carton of chocolate milk, totally blocking Megaton. Who would want this? And he wants a fat man to beat you up when you try to open the Megaton gate. Who would want this? And after you kill him, he would yell something stupid and you'll still be unable to go to Megaton. Who would want this?


I'm also astonished why he even bothered to request it. Does he seriously think somebody will take the time to make this for him? Don't you know how hard it is to do all this? And what do you even gain from all of this? You heard two lines of random dialogue and killed a fat guy. Then, you're left with the gate being blocked. And I can't believe how you're encouraging this.


The way I see it, this guy and his friend wants to make fun of his brother, so they ask for a group of people to put their time and effort into doing this just for him. Something that only he could possibly enjoy. This is why modders tend to stay out of the request section, because of stupid requests like these...

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My turn (both sides)


Let's think about it. He wants a large carton of chocolate milk, totally blocking Megaton. Who would want this? And he wants a fat man to beat you up when you try to open the Megaton gate. Who would want this? And after you kill him, he would yell something stupid and you'll still be unable to go to Megaton.


first off it would be better as a random event then a door blocker (at least I agree with you that far).


geez Xanorak, cut kazaazak some slack. Forget that rhymed. Just because someone has a crazy mod idea doesn't mean you need to totally grind their hopes into the dirt under a giant spiky KISS boot. Just think of how many people could use a modders resource of a big fat guy? Just because a handful of people will use the product, doesn't mean people can't benefit from the mods components. If you've been in the modding community, you'll notice that nobody is particularly anal about people copying their mods so long as they give credit. That's what helps make bigger and better mods is other people's work benefitting future mods and inspiring more ideas. If you just tell people off about their mod because it seems different, BOOM inspiration gone TIME PARADOX no future mods. You need to keep an open mind. Just some food for thought.


Then, I have to agree (even if I can't understand your approach).


Finally I'd have to say it more likely that 50 people would download this mod just for the pure randomness it has ( :biggrin: Like Me :biggrin: ), and more than 100 people just for the "Fat Man" (not the weapon. the person)

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Well, if it's so deeply offensive to all of your beliefs you hold dear, then I'll say what I say to the missionaries, If you have an opinion, raise your hand, place it over your mouth, and STFU. lol :biggrin:
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