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Well it doesn't show, you have a horrible language sense.

I'm not going to waste anymore time.


Goodluck with your project and work on your english.


P.S. The site was also filled with horrible use of english and the two pictures made me lol



P.S. im only 14 and i diddent make the web site

You're only 14? That's no excuse, I just turned 15 a few weeks ago. That's insulting, as if all 14 year old are as immature as you're being.


But honestly, good luck. I agree, there's not a high chance of this happening. Just because you have a "master blender" and "master scripter" doesn't mean you can accomplish something on the gigantic scale you're talking about. Sure, it might be finished- but not as large as you're planning. 75-100 quests is an excessive number, and will take you ages to script. Trust me, ages. I'm talking from experience.

Think more realistically. How about a main quest, and 10 or so side quests? That is a much more realistic goal, with a much more plausible time frame. It took a large team at Bethesda, which is a highly acclaimed game studio, years to make the Fallout 3. Think about how long it would take a smaller team of less experienced modders to make something of this scale? I'm not telling you to give up, I'm saying you should think about three things-

  • Time
  • The possiblity of achieving your goals
  • Skill

You have to take all of these things into consideration. Rethink what you want to do, plan it all out (realistically), and update this topic with the new plan and better English.

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someone who is a master at the blender program


with blender u can pretty much make a whole game out of.


I know very well what the program Blender is :wink:


but a master in Blender would be considered the same thing as a Master Modeler... which you already seem to have listed as something seperate...


So it just makes me wonder, was that a typeing error on your part, or do you really not know what you are talking about?



I am not trying to be rude here, I am just trying to properly asses this mod and see if it is worth offering some form of assistance.



And as a side note, I personally find it extreamly rude for people to post titles in all caps because their stuff is "immportant" because really, when it comes down to it, every person on here thinks their stuff is immportant, and you putting your stuff in all caps is like saying "I am more immportant than the rest of you, and people should look at my stuff before yours."



So from my observations so far, this doesn't seem like a very mature attempt to me, and the chances of me offering any sort of assistance is grim.

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I've met 9 year old's who have better spelling and grammar than you. I'd understand if English isn't your first language, but you yourself said you only speak English. And honestly, all in caps because YOU think it's important? How's it important, exactly? You're just trying to get attention for yourself. If everyone can write in caps because it's "important" then every thread out there will have the title in caps...


Grow up.

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Intentionally flaming a member is against site rules. The next person to comment against grammar, nationality, or aspects which have nothing to do with the mod idea will be given a strike for trolling.


If you have nothing nice to say, it is best to be quiet and move on.




All of that aside, any large mod can be extremely challenging and time consuming. Even if you have a few people who are experts at scripting and modeling, the largest portion of any such mod is actually all the more mundane stuff such as interiors, exteriors and actors. It's nice to have big dreams, but you should not lose sight as to what is practical for your team.

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if it help most of the exterior models of new work can be found at the google warhouse, they are open resource so you should be able to use them
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  • 4 weeks later...

Talk about killing grammars confidence you all should be ashamed of yourself.


On topic:


This is a huge project and it would take some time to achieve your goal so for that reason i would like to help you out in any way i can to speed up the process "That is if its still happening of course"


P.S. Are you planning on making the modern day city or 50's style?

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What I'm worried about is you said that you weren't sure about the quests. You want to make a mod with 20-30 quests and you don't even know what you're going to put in them? The quests and their planning is arguably the biggest part of a mod like this, and you haven't got a clue how you're going to start, just that there's going to be aliens and a giant war? In my experience giant wars never end very well anyways, too cliché. And why aliens, you're just following a stereotype here, I suspect. Why not mutants, or even mankind itself? And don't you think that Fallout has had enough giant wars for a millenia or two? I don't think it could take another. Plus, New York would have been one of the biggest targets in a nuclear attack, with it's large population in a small are, so it would largely be decimated. Nevertheless, if you can sort out everything, this has the potential to be to fallout what the lost spires was to oblivion.
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I agree with DagonTheranis.


What I'm worried about is you said that you weren't sure about the quests. You want to make a mod with 20-30 quests and you don't even know what you're going to put in them? The quests and their planning is arguably the biggest part of a mod like this, and you haven't got a clue how you're going to start, just that there's going to be aliens and a giant war?


I think that you should be looking for an experienced quest writer/scripter. The artistic layout can take a bunch of time, what with placing objects, path grids, splitting cells etc. The artistic process is also somewhat basic, so you could easily collect a large team to work on those. If you finish making all the exteriors, it will give you a starting goal and once completed will serve to lure in potential modders.


With all large projects (modding, artwork or even cooking for that matter) require an outline. Boil your ideas down to a pulp, then pick out the chunks. You always want to start by identifying steps. Once you can see the biger picture in a compartmentalized view, you can begin work.


For example, start off with some rough character ideas. Don't focus on the looks or behavior (ai) packages yet. You just really want to figure out the general mood of the npc and where they will fit into your story. Once you have a few ideas of who your characters are, you can begin to develop stories and missions around them. You could have a team of business professionals, led by some freakish monster of a guy. You could give them all names and write down a few notes about their personalities and habits. You could explore these interpersonal relations while writing out your dialogue. Once you have them all figured out, it makes it a lot easier to build plot around them/use their plot to further your main quest. I understand what it is to bite off more than I can chew. Just tetris that all around in your mouth and keep chewing. Finding clear steps is the key to completion.


I guess that what I'm trying to say is not to let the haters get you down. If you feel like you really have the time to work on a project of that magnitude, go for it. If you need help, be specific in what it is you need and what you expect out of team members. I'm assuming that the mod is still in its infancy, but if you completed a few city blocks (maybe one with the empire state building) it would lure in more people. I regret that I'm in the middle of a giant mod myself so don't have the time to help. This project sounds interesting to say the least.


Hope to see this mod soon,


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