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Natural Skills (start with perks and skills)


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A while back my, "main" save was corrupted and broken. I was a very high level, rarley died, and could defeat as many enemies as possible. Now adays, its hard to enjoy playing Skyrim seriously since I have played it so much, and it takes awile to level up. So one day I had a thought: Why do you come out of Helgen without skills. Surley your character would have known SOMETHING before hand. I then came up with this mod. This will allow you pick a certain amount of perks and skills (all configureable in the MCM... maybe?). So now when you start, you can be somewhat prepared to face the harsh environment of Tamriel. If it's a good idea, or you want to do it, I would highly appreciate some feedback. Thanks!

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I recently did the same thing a started a new character, then just added the perks I thought my character should already have. Things like Silent roll, or back stab, or the heavy armor perk Cushioned. If you play with the Uncapped Perks mod, there are still a lot of other perks to pick on your journey.


Adding a perk is pretty easy to do through console commands. So easy that it might not make sense to create a whole mod just to do it with the MCM. And more mods loaded means more chances for conflicts.


To add a perk:

open the console and type "Help XXX" where XXX is the name of the perk you want. say

Help "silent roll"

the use the command

Player.addperk XXXX

Where XXXX is the number shown.


You can also use this to give your character the race abilities of other characters. For example add Argonian waterbreathing or Khajit claws to your Nord character.




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