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Please note that the passage i posted cited CHRONIC marijuana use, not infrequent, mild or moderate use, just as if you abuse alcohol you put yoursef at risk of becoming an alchoholic so i believe if you abuse marijuana you put yourself at risk of developing over time some of the mental problems cited in that passage.


I am very happy to hear that neither you nor the people you know have ever had any problems with this drug, you all obviously adopted a sencible approach to it's use.

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I was speaking about CHRONIC use too. Every day for many years, and still.

It´s a wide misunderstanding that mental disease like Bipolar, Skizofrenia, depressions etc.

is someting you GET FROM smoking pot.

To get one of those desease you have to inherit the vulnability from your parents.

Then the desease can trigger if you take drugs, drink alcohol, get stressed, have an accident.

You can also be lucky that it never occurs. But if you did not inherit the vulnability, the risk is extremly low. :thumbsup:

(I speak of experience)

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Chronic= over time. Any recurring use of weed could technically be called chronic. Also from what I gather the use of weed does not cause mental problems it simply triggers latent existing ones. Still know people that have smoked it for years, no real side effects other than they seem a little mellow.
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actually there does not seem to be any connection between weed use and any psychological illnesses,


lets take the shizophrenia example, many shizophrenics are quite asocial but use weed as a self treatment because they feel better after they use it and also because it helps them get into contact with other people, though due to the criminalization not always to the good kind...


none of these "studies" actually gave weed to an acceptable test group with existing shizophrenia, they simply looked at people who had outbursts of their illness and if they used weed rescently, however as logical thinking must show, there are hundreds of reasons to go mad... traffic, stress, pollution, etc are all factors which actually really have an effect on psychological problems and increase their effect


if weed would really trigger outbursts than meditation would do so too, but lets face it, meditation does the exact opposite... (meditation has the same effect on your brain and creates the same chemical compounds in your body weed brings - weed is just a shortcut to the experience)

however if mixed with tobacco the thing could look totally different of course as tobacco usually is treated with all kinds of perfumes and whatnot (xcept some brands like american spirit for example)


furthermore would it be kinda irresponsible to give weed to an acceptable testgroup if you believe theyll turn to werewolves if they take it...


that whole thing you mentioned reminds me more of the infamous "reefer madness" movie than any scientific research by the standard of our time

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actually there does not seem to be any connection between weed use and any psychological illnesses,


I know at least one case who had her skizofrenia triggered by one single joint.

But still it is never proved.

She was at a party in her compani, and was pretty drunk.

Being a little out of control she smoked on a join, that was passed to her. She had never tried it before.

On her way home she passed out, and when she woke up she could not recognize anything, and

she was in deep panic. She was seeing and hearing weird things.

After severel months on "cuckoo´s nest" she had the diagnosis Skizofrenia, and is on medication today.

She also had an early retirement.


It is common knowledge that mental desease are inherited, and a special situation will trigger it.

Question is now, what did trigger her skizifrenia? The joint? The fact that she was very drunk? Both?


I still speak for legalizing weed. The case I speak of has no proof, even if it has, it is a very isolated coincedence,

there is probably more coincidences with alcohol.


But a good advice maybe: check in your family for "loonys" before you smoke weed. :thumbsup:

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i have no real oppinion on maria after i stopped smoking it


one thing that is for certain is that it is good for some controlled (!)

medical application



also to an extent it can give people insight into themselfs to come down and just relax but one never should overdose




in the end i wouldnt endorse it at all

as seen in case above that is quite horrible how it can turn out



mediation is the better way



but also here one can over do it with breathing tech and stuff


so please know that i dont endorse any breathing tech except watching breath least one is under guidance of a fully blown satguru one to one


satguru not your yoga teacher in the studio


thats two very diffrent thing



know a satguru and he says pranayam is not so great cause at one point it happens of itself



the tech is to stirr the energy but if it awaken ooooh boy


so dont force



yoga teacher wont be able to help



the response maybe totaly crushing to ego and you not immediatelly ready to give up comign out of a sedated society where everyone is afraid of being the least bit vulnerbale infront the other (=animal like conditioned response)


it can be VERY THREATENING at first cause of the resistance to god within



theres a chines curse saying like go thorugh all karma in one day which probalby somethign liek that happened to the woman above trigered by joint



so please take it carefull and slow


better go to the people that are really knowledgeable about this




you can give satguru lsd he wont be affected :P






in the end it is all about diffrent scales of trust and surrender



panic (resistance in general) can be an opportunitie to step into love

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haha of course. :thumbsup: well i would say if alcohol is already legalized why not legalize maria? the reason that it got banned in the first place was if my memory serves me right a senseless smear campaing by the industry to keep their monopoly.


besides it could be an additional source of income for tax.


although id much prefer that peopel come away from the externals and discover their own already inherent blissfull nature.


it will fix more things then a thousand fear driven political debates.


thank you and enjoy.

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Huh, just "kinda" remembered somones "argument" against legalizing teh weed. I won't post it until I properly remember it, but it was incredibly funny :wallbash: .


Does anyone else hate when you have something on the tip of your tongue, but can't nail it down (hurrah for mixing metaphors :) ).

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Huh, just "kinda" remembered somones "argument" against legalizing teh weed. I won't post it until I properly remember it, but it was incredibly funny :wallbash: .


Does anyone else hate when you have something on the tip of your tongue, but can't nail it down (hurrah for mixing metaphors :) ).



I thought I was the "old man" here.

Come on now, you are making me very curious.


And yes, weed would be a good tax income.

(just to stay in-topic, and avoid spamming) :whistling:

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