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Everything posted by slygothmog

  1. Not sure if this will help, but your missing this from Display in your Skyrim.ini [Display] iPresentInterval=1 That line enables VSync, and yes i know that line is in the Prefs.ini, but that's the wrong place and it will do nothing in there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCWsTrHpekE&feature=youtu.be&t=305
  2. If you'd already met the NPC in question before the changes were made, then i'm afraid your stuck with how they were at that time, their appearance, what walk animations they use etc etc all get hard coded into your save file. Pretty much the only thing you can change and see part way through is their clothing, and even then that's not a guarantee. Starting a new game is really the only option you have.
  3. Somebody is quite full of themselves eh Grom .... i know full well what i posted wont fix anything, i'm sure Negromanus does too, he asked for a fix to his CTD problem when loading his saves, i gave him the best that's out there for that, if he wants his entire Skyrim fixing then he's got a lot of work to do, but i'm sure you'll hold his hand and help him through :smile:
  4. Umm..... actually i beg to differ, you can remove mods mid game and still keep playing quite happily if you use the right tools to clean up your save game file. This will removed orphaned scripts etc from saves and works very well.... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363 its let me remove mods and keep playing with no problems, and i run 130+ mods.
  5. That's a lot of warnings, anyways try this .... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78557 but don't use it if you start a new game, activate it once you've played for a bit then saved, it should let your save load without CTD.
  6. Them being greyed out is normal, your issue is something else. Post your load order, and if your feeling adventurus go here ... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11 and follow this guide to setting up Skyrim
  7. Other than ENB I have no idea, unless you try something like Riva Tuner, iv'e heard that can be used to limit fps with Nvidia cards, but no idea how.
  8. erm .... all of them? No seriously, just pick one and stick with that, less chance of a conflict them, sometimes less is more. Personally i use Climates of Tamriel and find it runs fine with my ENB and looks amazing.
  9. Do you run ENB? if you do then that has an option to set the FPS limit, iv'e never had to use that part of my ENB though, so no idea how effective it is.
  10. Well that depends, if you removed the ENB then tried to carry on with a game in progress then yeah that would cause lots of issues, i also noted you have lots of different weather mods, ( you really need all them? ) could very well be the ENB your running now doesn't like that.
  11. Well .... certainly never seen that before, that is a new one on me, so a quick question, are you running ENB? if so have you tried playing around with its settings?
  12. Could also be when you verified your cache that Steam ( in It's infinite wisdom ) decided to reset your Skyrim.ini back to default, check that and it's settings. It will also 'unclean' your tes5edit cleaned master files ( skyrim and all DLC ) so they will need to be cleaned again.
  13. I did a little research, I found this ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/4s5fj9/crash_fixes_v12_beta_3_again/ Might be something to do with the renderer, or even crash fix itself, try rolling back to v11 and see what happens.
  14. It's good to hear you got it working okay now. Skyrim can be a beast once you start introducing Mods, it's a beauty though when it all works out right, Mods are what make the game really, without them it's just not the same. Immersive Citizens and RDO would not have caused problems being in there together, Its does now sound like it was your old load order though and two or more mods having a bad conflict. In Honesty I don't feel that I was of much help, but sometimes any answer is better than none at all.
  15. Three Undefined Instances from saves does not sound good, you really should only need to use save cleaner after removing a mod mid game, or to reset Havok to help reduce save bloat, so something in there was not working right. A fresh reinstall might solve problems, it has for me on some occasions, so i'll keep my fingers crossed for you, I know how frustrating it can be to nail things down and get it right.
  16. Wrong place to be asking about this really. Take a look at these posts I found elsewhere, they might solve your problem. https://steamcommunity.com/app/298110/discussions/0/627456486352039044/ http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1289170-File-system-failure-Aborting-execution-Gamerprofile-xml-Forums
  17. A longer Papyrus log would have been nice, long as possible really, what i would look for is a mod or mods that spam your papyrus with errors, most errors on their own are usually harmless, but if they constantly spam they can overload things. I see you've already followed STEPS with settings for ENB, so all i can think of is its a memory thing, not sure if this will help but try this mod if you've not already got it. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465 I see you reinstalled steam, so another thing i would check is your Skyrim.ini, see if your settings in there are still the same as before .... thats all I can think of for now.
  18. Your Papyrus log is kinda useless, reading it I mean, please use Notepad++ to record your logs, they are 99% easier to read then. HDT Havok Object is kinda outdated and not needed if your using HDT Physics extensions along with XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended. Other than that you might want to see what WIN 10 is doing, that caused me lots of CTD stuff till I disabled useless apps it was trying to run while I played Skyrim. Also try this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725 that helped me a lot too.
  19. Hi, yes i'm still around, only very rarely though. I dont Mod or play any of Bethesda's games now, been playing WoW and that takes up a huge chunk of my time these days. Mist of Pandaria has made toons a bit too super powered though i think, but it's nice to be able to solo level 80 - 85 dungeons, it lets me help the new people who are still leveling to get good loot.
  20. Hi, yes i'm still around, only very rarely though. I dont Mod or play any of Bethesda's games now, been playing WoW and that takes up a huge chunk of my time these days. Mist of Pandaria has made toons a bit too super powered though i think, but it's nice to be able to solo level 80 - 85 dungeons, it lets me help the new people who are still leveling to get good loot.
  21. You always make me laugh......hello son :)
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