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Thats the difference between true love and and just a partner to manipulate.



Oh please.




Have you ever tried to convince someone it wasn't true love?


Both of you have had some valid points, let's not devolve into a ridiculous and completely different subject.


i. People are easily influenced by society and those they are closest with, that's scientific, irrefutable fact. People as in the majority of human beings, which makes it a rule.


ii. It would be better to regulate drug consumption including marijuana so that money is set aside to combat dependencies.


iii. Marijuana can lead to dependency if only psychologically.


iv. Drug use of all kinds has been declining overall in young people, but legal (prescription) drug use is on the rise, probably because society encourages people to see their doctors for a quick fix.


v. Because of that fact, it's fair to assume that legalization of marijuana could possibly lead to an increase in users. However, the restrictions are much greater on the use of marijuana for medical purposes, than they are for most other drugs, such as antidepressants and opiates.


I know i stand alone with my meaning of this. This means that most of the world society has the same attitude about this issue as one can read in this topic.

The average atitude is; keep all drugs (including marihuana) illegal-

Then it find it hard to understand that the same society does not make the same efforts to make the same progress with alcohol.

The consequenses are the same. Take a look in the streets. Take a look even in a nice family, disolving because of alcohol.

Alcohol has a long tradition in western history. Was it to be introduced today, whould it have been legalized then?

Think of young (or old) people running noisy, drunk around in the streets. Whould that have been allowed today.

It´s just a matter of background and culture, whether you prefer one or the other.

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Weed; good...bad...


So if I don’t smoke weed, will I live forever?

I like to rock-climb, but a friend of mine died in a climbing accident. Is rock-climbing bad? Does that mean I should stop?

I like to drive as well.

Highway fatalities account for more than 94% of all transportation deaths. There were an estimated 6,289,000 car accidents in the US in 2009. There were about 3.4 million injuries and 41,611 people killed in auto accidents in 2009. The total number of people killed in highway crashes in 2009 was 42,116, compared to 41,945 in 2008. An average of 114 people die each day in car crashes in the U.S.

That's tens of thousands more than those who smoke weed. (I'm not sure about those who die from illegal sales, though) Does that make driving a car bad? So should I stop driving now? Should I hunker away in fear of all things that are "bad"? Maybe I shouldn't eat any fatty foods, for fear of dying because of high cholesterol. People die in clubs too, while I'm at it, maybe I should avoid those. I might as well check swimming off the list. People drown every day.

Or...I could just try living my life the way I see fit...


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Weed; good...bad...


So if I don’t smoke weed, will I live forever?

I like to rock-climb, but a friend of mine died in a climbing accident. Is rock-climbing bad? Does that mean I should stop?

I like to drive as well.

Highway fatalities account for more than 94% of all transportation deaths. There were an estimated 6,289,000 car accidents in the US in 2009. There were about 3.4 million injuries and 41,611 people killed in auto accidents in 2009. The total number of people killed in highway crashes in 2009 was 42,116, compared to 41,945 in 2008. An average of 114 people die each day in car crashes in the U.S.

That's tens of thousands more than those who smoke weed. (I'm not sure about those who die from illegal sales, though) Does that make driving a car bad? So should I stop driving now? Should I hunker away in fear of all things that are "bad"? Maybe I shouldn't eat any fatty foods, for fear of dying because of high cholesterol. People die in clubs too, while I'm at it, maybe I should avoid those. I might as well check swimming off the list. People drown every day.

Or...I could just try living my life the way I see fit...



Nice perspective, species5478. Sorry about your friend.


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As soon as I read this, I knew you were pretty young, because this is a classic propagandized response.


I don't think it's any more "bad for you" than playing college football (probably less so), or dirtbiking as a hobby. A friend of mine had a dirtbike accident and became a paraplegic because his neck broke during a crash.


The risk from marijuana use is relatively low. The higher risk associated with it, is the fact that it's illegal in our society which means to do it you have to be a risk-taking personality i.e. willing to break the law. You probably also have some mental or emotional problems that make you have an inclination to try to self-medicate, but in our society of cigarettes and booze and prescription pills that's rampant anyway. (It mirrors our sick society in my opinion.)


I think marijuana should be decriminalized, and I think the majority of people agree with that, and we can see that trending with the rise of medical marijuana use in the states.


I think we waste boatloads of money on the "war on drugs" which has been fought by focusing on incarcerating casual users rather than drug kingpins and cartels. Incarceration merely takes a body from the workforce where they can contribute to society by paying taxes, and puts the weight of their housing and care on the rest of the taxpayers. That's just downright stupid. For what? For smoking pot? This is a nonviolent crime with no actual victims, and potentially takes a prison bed from a rapist or murderer. Get it.


And we tried "illegalizing" alcohol. It was called PROHIBITION and it failed miserably, just like the war on drugs has. Alcohol should be the model for how to package marijuana, grown locally and boosting economies while taking it out of the hands of the black market. Why would you buy something potentially unlabeled and unsafe from the black market when you could easily walk into a package store and get labeled safe product that helps your local economy?


You wouldn't.


One great reason not to do drugs even if you are a casual user, is that buying drugs off the street helps fund terrorism. This is my main argument for legalization.

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Weed; good...bad...


So if I don't smoke weed, will I live forever?

I like to rock-climb, but a friend of mine died in a climbing accident. Is rock-climbing bad? Does that mean I should stop?

I like to drive as well.

Highway fatalities account for more than 94% of all transportation deaths. There were an estimated 6,289,000 car accidents in the US in 2009. There were about 3.4 million injuries and 41,611 people killed in auto accidents in 2009. The total number of people killed in highway crashes in 2009 was 42,116, compared to 41,945 in 2008. An average of 114 people die each day in car crashes in the U.S.

That's tens of thousands more than those who smoke weed. (I'm not sure about those who die from illegal sales, though) Does that make driving a car bad? So should I stop driving now? Should I hunker away in fear of all things that are "bad"? Maybe I shouldn't eat any fatty foods, for fear of dying because of high cholesterol. People die in clubs too, while I'm at it, maybe I should avoid those. I might as well check swimming off the list. People drown every day.

Or...I could just try living my life the way I see fit...



Nice perspective, species5478. Sorry about your friend.




Thank you. Marcus was a dear friend too. Very funny guy. (non-weed smoker) Loved him. Think of him every time I scale a cliff, because he's the one who got me rock-climbing in the first place. Died doing something he loved, though. I hope I'm as lucky.

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In reply to SPECIES 5478


"That's tens of thousands more than those who smoke weed. (I'm not sure about those who die from illegal sales, though) Does that make driving a car bad? So should I stop driving now? Should I hunker away in fear of all things that are "bad"? Maybe I shouldn't eat any fatty foods, for fear of dying because of high cholesterol. People die in clubs too, while I'm at it, maybe I should avoid those. I might as well check swimming off the list. People drown every day. Or...I could just try living my life the way I see fit..


(I screwed up copying over your quote - sorry)


My response,


The number of vehicle deaths that you speak of, are absolutely horrifying and should never have taken place, period !!!!!


Yet, with all due respect, when those motorists climbed into their vehicles, they did so with a destination in mind ... home, a loved one, the mall, the beach, the office, the salon or

perhaps a club etc., and just did not arrive alive at that destination ...... they all WANTED to go someplace, they DID NOT WANT THINGS ALTERED, but sh@# happens and their plans

were frustrated and things turned out CONTRARY.

Conclusion - Driving cannot be held responsible, because, UNINTENTIONAL THINGS MIGHT TAKE PLACE DURING THIS ACTIVITY, so you cannot blame driving.

And so when you say - " .....that just because people die while driving does that mean we should all stop it now ? ....." - no of course not, it's not our intention to get hurt or die.

while doing it.


Whereas the only destination a person who smokes it up has in mind is to lose their mind .... by altering it .... THEY WANT THINGS DIFFERENT, they ARE PLANNING to have things

turn out different, and deliberately so, they want to get stoned.

And so there is no need for a conclusion here because what you want when you get stoned is exactly what you get so if anything happens while you're stoned, hey ! you're responsible.


No driver drives to die.


So whether you eat fatty foods, drink alcohol a lot, have unprotected sex, take drugs and yes, even drive recklessly, it's because you want to ........... IT'S ALL ABOUT CHOICE.


DRUGS ARE HARMFUL - dagga\pot\weed\whatever, might not kill you instantly or wreck your body or mind immediately, but as I maintain, it opens up a whole can of worms that some

just dont have the strength to close .... hunting for that high can get you killed .... I've seen it .....


That's my gripe .....

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I think everybody knows what he is doing and if they want to smoke weed, the should do it.

But they have also to live with the consequences (arresting, addiction....).

I'm a non-smoker, but I have lots of friends who smoke (most just normal cigarettes, some smoke weed sometimes) and those who smoke weed,

have a normal life, so it's not like "Hey, you smoke weed, you get addicted or you die of it"...

But sometimes they ruin their lifes cuz the addiction is too big and they just screw up.

But as I said, not all of them...



I'm sorry for your friend...

I bet he is always watching you when yo climb rocks. :thumbsup:

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