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But maybe you did not have friend who were freaking out, screaming and trying to beat you just cuz they did not got their weed immediately..

I had them and i think, when they begin to attack you physically just if you ask them like "man cant you just wait for some mins till im gone?" it shows a bit of an addiction..

just cuz im young and never tried any weed doesnt mean i dont know anything related to weed. and the discussion was like "can you get addicted to weed?" and this doesnt mean i have to smoked weed already before to post my thoughts about this...

you better should think of that before you write stuff like "man, he never smoked weed before, he doesnt know whats going on.."

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I have said it many times in this thread. Weed doesn´t make men. They make them selves.

About you friends; I think they had freaked out anyway. Even more on alcohol, or both.

Believe me. I´m an old hippie. I belong to the most peacefull generation. And we smoked

ships full of weed. And I don´t smoke it today. (not addicted)

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I can only say that I don´t believe this webpage. Anyone can make a webpage, and have it look official,

especial when they whant to earn money on "addiction".

No, I and a hole generation have been there, and only few got addicted, just like alcohol.

And alkohol is even worse because you get sick from abstinencis. That you never get from weed.

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o gosh dude, no, imo you dont have to use something to get an idea about it, but you should try to get your facts straight and if possible from all possible sources, thats of course easier if you try it

i read about a dozen books that are about weed and grew my own before i ever tried it, and these were not books written by hippies but books like those ominous "anti drug" booklets handed out by the government, back in the 90ties they were actually still so honest as to say that they know zip about drugs actually,

take the german BTMG, that law was made in 1974 and back then they graded weed as just as bad as heroin, but they made it clear that they dont know poo bout either drug and hence made a provisorial law which shall be adjusted once more knowledge was available, however that law is still in existance and was never revised...


pages like that are a bloody commercial sheme thats it, just like the criminalization in itself... do you know how much money there is being made just by that criminalization? half the prison system gets its funds for weed smoking inmates, pharma companies can produces hundreds of dangerous chemicals that actually harm your body all of which could be void if there was legal weed, the chemical industry as a whole would probably loose about 30% of its market share, as would the textile industry, construction material industry and many others... not speaking of such "we cure your bad bad illness" programs...

get some scientific facts dude, seriously... there are enough studies from real scientists and not preachers who state the opposite from what you say here...

pages like that pray on the circle of doom invented by american scientist to do whatevr they please and get enough customers, just like all those anti-social-disorders for which they treat all kinds of children with highly dozed pharmaceuticals even tho most of these so called "diseases" are nothing more than a different way to deal with their life, these kids are just different but not unfit for life yet we fill em up with crap to the brim until they became empty shells without a soul and start to indeed need treatement instead of caring parents...


in regards to your so called friends, for one do i not think that they need to wait for you to leave to do what they please, you should leave if you dont want to be part of the groups actions (xcept its at your place)

-secondly, if they beat you up when you get on their nerves that is prolly what everybody else would do

-you staying with friends that beat you up is retarded however

-do you think if they were about to have a nice orgy and you would object and tell them to wait till youre gone they would not beat you up too to get rid of you or straighten you out? if you told me im not allowed to eat that cheeseburger i just got cause youre a vegan and object to meat i would kick you the hell out of my place too...

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I feel the need to apologise for my last post, it was meant to be humourous but of course its the forums so I guess it hard to tell. So... I apologise :sweat:


I was merely trying to point out three things:

1. Alchohol is both dangerous and addictive yet it is sold anyway.

2. Sugar, while it may not seem like true addiction people can go through withdrawal symptoms.

3. I have seen different people addicted to both weed and caffiene (through cofee). Caffiene was by far worse, grey skin sweating, twitchiness then tired etc.


So yeah, I still support legalization of the marajuana even if I don't condone smoking it.


PS. I am teetotal so I don't exactly condone the drinking of alchohol

if you told me im not allowed to eat that cheeseburger i just got cause youre a vegan and object to meat i would kick you the hell out of my place too...


I'm a vegetarian sooo...

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I got the passage below here http://www.drugabuse.gov/Infofacts/marijuana.html


A number of studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and schizophrenia. Some of these studies have shown age at first use to be a factor, where early use is a marker of vulnerability to later problems. However, at this time, it is not clear whether marijuana use causes mental problems, exacerbates them, or is used in attempt to self-medicate symptoms already in existence. Chronic marijuana use, especially in a very young person, may also be a marker of risk for mental illnesses, including addiction, stemming from genetic or environmental vulnerabilities, such as early exposure to stress or violence. At the present time, the strongest evidence links marijuana use and schizophrenia and/or related disorders.6 High doses of marijuana can produce an acute psychotic reaction; in addition, use of the drug may trigger the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals.


I have a cousin in Leicester ( England ) who has been diagnosed as having schizophrenia and he is convinced that the 'Trigger' was his abuse of marijuana.


Me, i smoked pot when i was younger, have'nt touched it in over a decade, it turns you into a social retard and i wont go back to that.

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I got the passage below here http://www.drugabuse.gov/Infofacts/marijuana.html


A number of studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and schizophrenia. Some of these studies have shown age at first use to be a factor, where early use is a marker of vulnerability to later problems. However, at this time, it is not clear whether marijuana use causes mental problems, exacerbates them, or is used in attempt to self-medicate symptoms already in existence. Chronic marijuana use, especially in a very young person, may also be a marker of risk for mental illnesses, including addiction, stemming from genetic or environmental vulnerabilities, such as early exposure to stress or violence. At the present time, the strongest evidence links marijuana use and schizophrenia and/or related disorders.6 High doses of marijuana can produce an acute psychotic reaction; in addition, use of the drug may trigger the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals.


I have a cousin in Leicester ( England ) who has been diagnosed as having schizophrenia and he is convinced that the 'Trigger' was his abuse of marijuana.


Me, i smoked pot when i was younger, have'nt touched it in over a decade, it turns you into a social retard and i wont go back to that.


Whit all due respect, I think you should not take so litterally what you read in the Internet.

Most of it is true, but very much exagerated.

I have known hundreds of people (including myself) that have smoked pot for severel years, some still do.

They are highly educated, no mentally illness, exept for one.

You learn better, since your concentration becomes enhanced.

In the good old days of the hippies, in the 70´ about 2 million peoples smoked it in DK (we are 6 millions),

many of them still do. I can not recognize the pattern of mental desease, memory traumas, violent behavior ect.

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