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You can never get rid of weed just because its illegal doesnt mean its gone didnt the government allready try prohibition with alcohol and didnt that end up with more people getting wasted and bringing booze from canada? it did if you outlaw something more people are going to have it and not pay taxes on it
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if america made the weed, it would be legal, so THEY make money....

First we do make about 20% of it the rest is every country south of texas (mostly columbia)

So the government should realize that pot smokers make up about 15% of americas population its the 2nd most popular drug in the world (id list the first but im not sure if im allowed to) and the smugglers are real good at bringing it in border patrol my a#s...

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This whole thing is bound to end like the prohibition... It's going to eventually spiral out of control (if it hasn't already) and will have to be legalized, even if they end up taxing the life out of it.... That's just what I think though.
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This whole thing is bound to end like the prohibition... It's going to eventually spiral out of control (if it hasn't already) and will have to be legalized, even if they end up taxing the life out of it.... That's just what I think though.

it spun out in the 60s

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if america made the weed, it would be legal, so THEY make money....

First we do make about 20% of it the rest is every country south of texas (mostly columbia)

So the government should realize that pot smokers make up about 15% of americas population its the 2nd most popular drug in the world (id list the first but im not sure if im allowed to) and the smugglers are real good at bringing it in border patrol my a#s...

But the goverment don't earn anything of it

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About 20 States in the U.S. have Marijuana Tax Stamp Laws. Of course, the laws aren't meant to add any level of legitimacy to the marijuana traffic, they are in place so prosecutors can add a TAX EVASION charge to people arrested for possession of the stuff.


Myrmaad's 'decriminalization' coupled with these tax laws could pave the way for pot being deregulated by the D.E.A. But then the F.D.A would probably step in to start regulating marijuana. The first thing to go would most likely be the tar content. All of the juicy buds would be have to be processed into a bland, foul-smelling tobacco-type smoke that would have little or no THC content. Using government approved marijuana would be pointless since you could smoke a kilo of the stuff and not get high.


I think marijuana is like any other intoxicant (legallity not withstanding). If you're an adult and can conduct yourself like one, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to have a cocktail or two or smoke a little grass every once in a while. If the use of any intoxicants causes problems in your personal or professional life or get's you into legal trouble then you might want to refrain from using them....AND marijuana is ILLEGAL.

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In Denmark weed was legal in the -60 and -70`s, but finally got illegal in -82.

Yet, it was still decriminalizied, nobody cared about it.

During that time Denmark had very few drug addicts, but plenty of alcoholics.

Today every drug is illegal, even a little reefer.

We have much more drug addicts now, not only due to the more strict law,

but also because of a great change in the society. Here in Europe, USA and UK.

Too much materials, and less love for our children.

Never the less, the real loosers I see in the streets are not drug addicts or

pot smokers, no, they are alcoholics, drinkin there brains out whit legal taxed

booze. Where is the morale?

And by the way pot/weed/marihuhana/canabis/hashis/ is NOT a drug. It is a stimulator.

One can NOT become addicted to it. I`am an old hippi, i smoked it for 25 years, and

i haven´t been smoking it for the last 15 years. I didn´t die, i didn´t become

addicted, and my brains are working just fine.

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if america made the weed, it would be legal, so THEY make money....

First we do make about 20% of it the rest is every country south of texas (mostly columbia)

So the government should realize that pot smokers make up about 15% of americas population its the 2nd most popular drug in the world (id list the first but im not sure if im allowed to) and the smugglers are real good at bringing it in border patrol my a#s...

But the goverment don't earn anything of it

Well they havent realized how much weed would stimulate the economy. everybody would be blowing paychecks on weed and cookies

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I don't understand something...


Liquor kills people in all kinds of ways. Drinking and driving is the number one cause for death in many states. Then, if you drink too much, you can get liver damage and die. Heck, if you drink too much in ONE sitting, you can kill yourself with alcohol poisoning. Not to mention the slurred speech, passing out, throwing up, loss of motor skills, and the bad breath and behavior that accompany many drinkers, etc. Yet, it's legal.


I won't even get in the various medical, and addictive problems that comes with cigarettes...I've known crackheads who were able to stop smoking crack, but couldn't quit cigarettes!


Looking at the medical treatments currently available, no one can convince me that legal procedures such as chemotherapy are fine, but marijuana isn't safe enough for consumption for any reason. I can blast my body with waves of radiation, but I can't smoke a plant that grows straight from the earth? Really?


I've never known anyone irrevocably addicted to weed. Or anyone who'se jumped from marijuana, to harsher drugs. The concept of it being a gateway drug is a fantasy. I do agree with those who say it make you less intelligent while in use. It definitely stupefies the mind but so does alcohol and many other drugs, and sports like boxing, and using your cell phone or watching most T.V. shows...


Anyway...it should be legalized so I can watch high people look dopey, and laugh at them.

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