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rbrophy2	  Posted Dec 14 2009, 10:13 PM
  Ive actullaly (and this is true) smoked weed brfeore and the only thing that got me high was the resin


You smoke weed? You're only 12 years old! :blink:

I've personally never smoked weed (and never will!), but I have some friends who did..

I personally think, it can ruin your life if you get really addicted to it...

my brother is a hardcore smoker (normal cigarettes, no weed or stuff like that), and he always says, he isn't addicted to it.

He says, he wants to stopp, but when he just sees people smoking, he's got to join them and smoke a cigarette to.

I've told this to him a lot, but he doesn't believe me that this IS addiction.

Better you never start with smoking weed, uz that an get you into real trouble!

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Its legalized for medical use...


That´s not enough to keep drug cartels from killing eachother, and having innoncents

going down with them.

Total legalization would tear the ground away beneath the feet of the cartels, and

could make a good income by tax, just like tobacco and liquor.

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Yes, but there will probably much more drug addicted...


Nobody gets addicted to marijuana. It's not like cigarettes or alcohol. And even if they did, I'd rather have more people getting addicted to weed, then killed over its illegal distribution. And the above post is not talking about legalizing weed for medical use. They're talking about total legalization for everyone.

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Yes, but there will probably much more drug addicted...


When i was young, in the 60´s and 70´s, i was a hippie and a freakhead.

I smoked Mary Jane every day for 20 years, until one day, 18 years ago,

i just stopped.

Despite that heavy smoking, i got a family life and a good education.

My social life count anybody from skillworkers, a botanist, doctors and others.

I consider myself intelligent, above average. I have no emotionel proplems.

IF i had been drinkin alcohol every day for 20 years, i don´t think i could

consider myself "intelligent above average" today.

Mary Jane IS not a drug, HAS never been a drug, and WILL never be a drug.

But some people (most people) are shortsighted and confuse many things up,

and what they do not know anything about, they start to make fantasies about.

Thus they end up to believe, that if it is not good for them,

it most be bad for us all.

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Yes, i now they are talking about total legalization cuz its already legalized for medical use!


Well...I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm just trying to convey the point that even though a few states have legalized medical marijuana use, it's still completely illegal under federal law. This new push by California is an attempt for unfettered legalization. Not just for medical use, and not just with states, but across the entire U.S. all on all levels of government.


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