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Mods that alter difficulty


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I have been looking thru the nexus and Skyrim gems, not finding exactly what I'm searching for (or maybe just overlooking), but would like other players opinions. What bugs me about the base game is the difficulty settings. Adept everything is rather equal, players do damage according to their weapons and enemies don't have much advantage. Anything higher and enemies gain ridicious amounts of damage, something like x3 or x2 around Legendary and Master. What I do like is that enemies have better armor so my attacks don't hit nearly as hard. What I'd rather see is enemies have stronger armor and perhaps 50%, 75% or 100%, or even 200% more health, making battles seem more rewarding, and not just making enemies hit harder. I don't need enemies to be smarter or anything, just a bit harder to kill.


I do have one mod that works somewhat nicely, after level 10 there are slightly stronger monsters, adding new types of bandits and monsters to the enemy list. I tried one that increases the number of enemies that spawn per enemy zone, but I never saw a difference, always 3 wolves, or the same number of bandits per camp.


Any suggestions?

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You could look at SkyTweak. You can adjust the damage they do back to adept numbers and just reduce the damage you do. Problem with boosting armor is that it'd just taper off due to the reduction cap. And armor doesn't protect against spells so if you use magic it'd have the opposite effect of what you want. The mod is also compatible with mods that change the numbers themselves since it scans and sets the base value to what the mod made the default. The numbers also change as you get perks and stat increases. And if your talking about ASIS you have to set that using the MCM add on for SkyUI. It's all set to zero by default so it starts disabled. Which is why you probably didn't see anything.

Edited by GameGeeks
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I don't think I had ASIS, the one I have in my NMM plugins was labled PISE - Increased spawns only. I don't recall when I downloaded that or what else it was apart of, maybe I didn't have the full mod for it to work, its been disabled in my list for quite some time. As for Skytweak, I will give that one a shot, sounds like its what I'm looking for. Always thought the increased damage on higher settings never gave a harder challenge, just made enemies get in cheap shots and frusterate me more.

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