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Restarting the Shivering isles quest line?


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Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure this is the "I HAVE NO GREETING" Bug.


There's a wiki on how to fix it.


I'll go look for it. It happened to me the first time I played Shiv Isles.


Although practical, it's one of the first things suggested. Apparently whatever issue it is is causing missing quests. At any rate, I think that in this case, a cheat engine will only make things worse.


You didn't happen to delete or disable any mods before this happened right? Removing a mod which changes a vanilla quest can potentially result in breaking that quest. Once a mod has been installed and saved as active with the game, removing/disabling it usually doesn't end well. Re-enabling it can make things worse. It's why those who frequently look at new mods often don't level past 10 (they try a mod, decide they don't like it, and have to go back to an earlier save).


At this point, I'd say that it's safe to assume that your character has been ruined by bug, mod, or user error, and that you should try re-loading from an earlier save to see if you can salvage something. If not, download a quest reward leveler for SI, make a new character, sprint through the tutorial, enter SI, and see if it happens again.

Edited by myrmaad
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Every NPC in tamriel and SI have greetings...I had that bug before but I fixed it.

I had problems with marts monster mod...I did some debugging then I found out that it was the KOTN patch that was screwing up my game, in the process of fixing that I enabled/disabled SI 2 times, thats what got my quest to be gone ( I know I know that was a stupid idea...)

The part of the quest where I was, was the part with turning on that jail (Where you kill the adventures) and then heading back to Sheogorath...but before I could I wanted more NPC's too kill, and more stuff to do so I went to install Marts monster mod...

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Hold on, you said that you were playing shivering, uninstalled it and played the game, then re-installed it and expected your game to be at the same point in the SI questline?

Try disabling and re-enabling sheo. If that doesn't work, use the console command for the first part of the first quest of SI.

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