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Raiders look wrong


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Raiders are meant to be depraved cannibals yet they're shown as handsome beefcake guys and sexy babes - which just don't fit with dismembered corpses littering their camps etc. IMO the current models should be replaced by perhaps the same ones as feral ghouls.


Would anyone be interested in doing this? Is it a simple matter of using copied ghoul textures / meshes and renaming them??


In fact I think it might work better to transpose the models - ie. make "Feral Ghouls" look like Beefcakes and Babes as that would be kinda creepy - ie. having these nice looking people madly attack you on sight.


For the time being I use a dismembered corpse removal mod to reduce the immersion busting contradiction of having gore and giblets littering the camps where these "beautiful people" hang out - but the raiders themselves are not at all scary - with a nude mod it's actually a bonus to trip over female Raiders...

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Are you sure you mean feral ghouls and not the "normal" ghouls? Because seeing feral ghouls running around in raider armor would look kinda weird dont you think? :D


I know what you mean and had the same thought, but I don't find normal ghouls very creepy at all - if anything they're just kind of sad - ferals on the other hand are genuinely creepy to some degree and really do fit the general depraved cannibal notion that's implied as the role of Raiders.


Agood example of how the default models just totally fail to work is yesterday I came across the "Grisly Diner" - when I went inside and the Raiders attacked, I once again had the feeling I KEEP having in such situations of involuntarily dreading the arrival of the REAL nasties even as I was battling the beefcakes and babes.


The idea I put up of using the current Raider models for Feral Ghouls I think does have merit and fits with FO3's dark humour, but I've reconsidered and think now that just using Normal Ghoul models for ferals would work best. That also fixes the inconsistency of Ferals looking totally different to "normals".


I'm totally ignorant of how the actual movements / nature of FO3 characters are done tho - ie. all this under the assumption that whatever physical models are used in each role the style of movement and behaviour will be consistent with the role, not the model.

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I don't think that the Feral Ghoul and the regular Human/Ghoul model use the same skeleton though.


I could be wrong, being that I am still new to messing with animations, but I think it would take re-rigging the meshes to the different skeleton so the animations would work correctly.


But if someone was to do that, it should be totally possible to do, just take a bit of work.




But anyways, that aside, I totally disagree on you view on what Raiders should look like. Well, I guess not totally disagree on the part of them being a bit too beautiful, but on the part of how human they are.


Raiders are still human, and they still share every bit of brain capacity of normal people. They just lack any form of moral guidlines to keep them from doing whatever they want as long as they have more power. They are very brute, but they are still organized. They pretty much follow whoever has the most power.


But they still wear armor, and keep weapons that they take moderatly good care of. They form bases of operation and store food, water, and even drugs in their bases.



So in my opinion, they are more just people trying to survive, that find pleasure in watching other people getting tortured. Messed up in the head, of course, but sub-human, not really even close.




As far as the look of the Raiders, I do think that it is weird that all the guys are clean shaven with cut hair and everything. I would think they would look more live cavemen. They would however be very fit and muscular, since Raider culture is survival of the most powerful and brutal.


Personally, if it was up to me, I would have both the male and female Raiders be more muscular and fit, but much less groomed.




But thats just my opinion.




But in the end, the engine doesn't allow us to have a seperate body types for Raiders that wouldn't cause your character to change body types every time you picked up a Raider armor and wear it.

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I'm wanting Raiders to just LOOK like Feral Ghouls - but to behave as they do now.


Point taken about the armor etc. - in that case I'd be fine with Raiders just using the normal Ghoul model then if it's compatible (should be as we see Ghouls done up in Settler outfits) - even that would be a VAST improvement over the current ones.


A complete rework of Raiders would be fine too - ANYTHING to get them to better fit the role they're supposed to have in the game!!

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Afraid you are flat out wrong with what you "Think" raiders should look like.

Raiders have ALWAYS looked like regular human beings albeit with a few more scars than most, this dates all the way back to Fallout 1.


Remember this is called Fallout 3 for a reason, it's the 3rd game in the series (story wise) though personally I like to think of it as the 4th.


Chronological order of game settings (IE what year they take place in) from earliest to latest.


Fallout 1 - 2161

Fallout Tactics - 2197

Fallout 2 - 2241

Fallout 3 - 2277


the Fallout series has been going for almost 12 years

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