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Weapon Companion


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Can anyone make a companion that can turn into a weapon For SKYRIM. so basicly a companion that chance into a weapon when the player in ready possession to fight. for shape of the weapon it can be as the weapon it self chance by the weight that he or her carry. for example If he or her cary wight about 50 he turn into a dagger and if he carry weight around 100 he turn into a sword and if 150 he turn into a great sword and so on. for the tipe of weapon say an example argonian race companion chance into a iron tape weapon ,and a high elf turn into a glass weapon ,and daedra race companion chance into daedric weapon tipe and so on. how about making the enchantment as the same as companion health, if the enchantment run out it turn back to human form again and player have to heal him or her to use it again. or recarge the weapon it before run's out. please response.

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