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Lets allow genetic engineering for humans


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I think its great I just think its amazing that nobody has allowed biological people to take the dna from animals and put it in human children sure results could be dangerous but wouldnt it be great to fly!

Lol seen one too many sci-fi movies have ya bud

No I have not wouldnt it be great to fly over the sea without a plane

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I agree that Bio-engineering would have its uses.many forms of birth-defects could be eliminated. as for eye and hair color who cares and since sexual preference has no proven facts as being genetic I think talk of that should end.I like vagrant see it ending badly.
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i think homosexuality should be removed actually, it is harmful to the gene pool and in general society would be better off without it

Thank you finally some one brings thins up


I had said that this direction should not be continued due to the obvious flame bait that it entails. You have ignored or not seen the message. Next one to bring it up will earn a strike. I did not remove the initial post because I felt that although it is an extremely biased and fault ridden opinion, it is still his opinion and people are still allowed to voice those, last I checked. Although his post is arguably flame bait, it has already been responded to and addressed, so further outrage, while totally understandable, need not be voiced. I feel that this is the better solution than to lock the topic entirely.


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i think homosexuality should be removed actually, it is harmful to the gene pool and in general society would be better off without it

Thank you finally some one brings thins up


I had said that this direction should not be continued due to the obvious flame bait that it entails. You have ignored or not seen the message. Next one to bring it up will earn a strike. I did not remove the initial post because I felt that although it is an extremely biased and fault ridden opinion, it is still his opinion and people are still allowed to voice those, last I checked. Although his post is arguably flame bait, it has already been responded to and addressed, so further outrage, while totally understandable, need not be voiced. I feel that this is the better solution than to lock the topic entirely.



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Hmm, Im trying to find something good and controversial to discuss. Hopefully something I could make a valid argument with, and get people to agree to the premises but disagree with the conclusion.


Anyways, this whole thing was actually brought on by my growing hatred of the need for sleep. I have too many things to do.


I have exams to study for, friends and family to keep up with, oblivion to play AND mod, I want to read more, I want to work more, and there are so many other things I want to do that those 8 hours a night I need for sleep would seem utterly wasted if they werent keeping me alive.


So I want some bio engeneering done. Somehow get me to where I dont need sleep anymore.


Btw, Ive only had about 5 hrs sleep the past 44 hours. Im only going to get about 5 1/2 or so tonight. Im not TRYING to get as little sleep as possible, I just have so much STUFF I want to get done!

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Hmm, Im trying to find something good and controversial to discuss. Hopefully something I could make a valid argument with, and get people to agree to the premises but disagree with the conclusion.


Anyways, this whole thing was actually brought on by my growing hatred of the need for sleep. I have too many things to do.


I have exams to study for, friends and family to keep up with, oblivion to play AND mod, I want to read more, I want to work more, and there are so many other things I want to do that those 8 hours a night I need for sleep would seem utterly wasted if they werent keeping me alive.


So I want some bio engeneering done. Somehow get me to where I dont need sleep anymore.


Btw, Ive only had about 5 hrs sleep the past 44 hours. Im only going to get about 5 1/2 or so tonight. Im not TRYING to get as little sleep as possible, I just have so much STUFF I want to get done!

Lol dont be those people who stay awake infront of youre computer for three days straight and them die from exhaustion.

Yes you can, in fact die, from exhaustion.

The human brain needs a minimum of 3 hours to maintain functions. But getting that little sleep over and extended duration and youre body WILL suffer the consequences.

I was like you once. I always said, "why should I sleep when theres so much I could be doing".

Trust me it'll catch up with you. I still dont get enough sleep as it is now but I also workout twice a day and run so theres some days where I feel like a zombie, just totally out of energy.


If youre going to deprive yourself of sleep, dont do it with energy drinks. Those things are soooooo bad ans addictive. I have a really bad dependancy to Monster, been drinking like 2 a day for the last 5 years.

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All too true Harebec, doctors keep an eye on me to make sure I still am getting some sleep, with this topic I can see alot of benifit for mankind by removing genetic disorder but in general this would have to be carefully done as any mutation of the genes could be classed as a genetic disorder and thus change the natural process of change that led to us and all modern organisms. The problem is that there would have to be solid guidelines and certain groups would still try to find loopholes to remove something they don't like or to change mankind off onto a completely new tangent (say super mutants). So while I see great benifits I can't help feel nervous because of the people doing it and the power they will get in directly, also human nature is athing that cause the worst in people as well as the best so I fear we can't be trusted to do this.
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I don't agree, why ? Simple.


We have this amazing brain,

Science tells us we use only about 3 to 10% of our brain on a conscious level. The other 90 to 97% is used at the subconscious level.
If we want for the humans to improve, improve our brain, not genetically change our body.


Why do genetic engineering ? I think more advance digital technology is better than this. It's quite a big risk.

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