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Funny Fact About The Jail You Start In


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There are so many interviews, to many to list, but on planet elder scrolls i found an audio with something interesting. At a certain moment, when the interviewer was talking about your role as the player, starting as a prisoner and so, Todd Howard said:


well actually you start in the same prison cell as in arena. With the two chains on the wall....




It's around 1/10 of the interview i think.


Funny thing although i don't think there will be many similarities, except for the cell. *loads arena and checks out the cell, while playing the trailer at the same time*


*Tries to play with physics, fails* :rolleyes:

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Haha - actually, that cell did remind me of the cell in Arena, with the hanging chains and such. I thought it was just coincidence, though. :P Thanks for the snippet Pov.
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