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i have an idea


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im not a modder, and unfortunatly i have only the xbox version (my computer is weak) but the other day i had an idea, what if when an effect would reduce an attribute to zero it would kill you? is it already done? CAN it be done?
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  • 8 months later...

arise O' failed topic, I calleth thee from thy grave to once again be considered by the populace!


this is an old request I made, i dont feel like making a new topic, easier to just bring this one back right?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not really. Bumping is against the rules(learned that the hard way, lol). But I'll bite. You gotta be more specific though, I can' t understand what you want.
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I think that if one of the core stats drops below zero, it loses ALL functionality. For example, if agility dropped below zero, you'd be unable to move. If endurance dropped, you'd die. If strength dropped, your inventory would fall to the ground around you.
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Well, see i was thinking what if when a drug or withdrawal was affecting you enough that it should bring down your stat to zero, it would kill you, with a hilarious message about what happened (your luck has run out, you trip on a penny and impale yourself on a mailbox, or something like that) I mean, if you have lost all your brain function, how are you walking around? Couldn't it be done to check what your base stat is and then check all modifiers affecting it, if those modifiers give a negative that is greater than the base stat, you die. Can it be done? I doubt people would run into it much, but it would make sense.
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