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Hey there,

I'm looking for a mod wich gives you a menu like in the Mod Menu that

let you change the stats of a wepon or armor, cause I like

the wepons of Ghousus wepon pack, but i can't use them

on higher levels.


If there is such a mod,thanks for the link!

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Get permission from the Ghousus pack to modify and rework the stats as a new mod.


Or, if you only want them in your own game, not to publish, just download the editor and change them.


A word of caution, BALANCE, or the lack of it, can ruin your play experience.


Nothing should ever enable the player without a great deal of effort!


So, if you're going to make a high level weapon, make the materials to craft it, and skills required, high, and quests needed and monsters to overcome to get everything together.


Just pumping up stats will ruin your game in days.

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I know which mod you're talking about. its really annoying, because they are really cool swords but they all have the same stats and don't get very strong even after you improved them with a 100 blacksmith skill. if they were just a little stronger it'd be fine.

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