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Adding Spells Using A Script


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I was wondering if someone knows how to have scripts run in the backround like for Morrowind they call the start scripts. So I can make a script that will add spells to the player. I know for morrowind it is like so


begin scriptname


player->addspell "spellID"




I know for oblivion I need to do this instead


scn scriptname


begin gamemode


player.addspell "spellID"




But I cannot make it run in the backround all the time.

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To have it running all the time you need to create a Quest, set your script as the Quest Script. Note that this takes a different "Script Type"; there is a dropdown menu that lets you choose Object, Quest, or Spell Effect.


Make sure the "Start Game Enabled" check box is checked for your quest.


However, unless there is a very specific reason for it, you probably don't want or need to have it running all the time, as this is usually just unnessary overhead for the game. Include "StopQuest XXX" in your script so that it doesn't execute all the time.


When needed, you can then call it by "StartQuest XXX" whenever you need it to run.

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It primairily depends on what occasion you want that spell added. Indeed the Quest-script is an often used one.

If it's part of a larger mod you might want to take a look where to put it and close it off with a variable which can put anywhere in this form:


scn scriptname

short done

begin gamemode
if done == 0
	player.addspell "spellID"
	set done to 1

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I don't understand why this would be preferable to StartQuest/StopQuest.


It has the same basic problem; the script runs over and over again needlessly.


Set Scriptname.done to 0 vs. StartQuest XXX is no more or less trouble to code.




I'm sorry, never mind; I get it.


-IF- this is part of a larger mod where the Quest script is already running then setting a variable would be preferable.

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I'm not following what a script that adds a spell would have to do with a crate of stuff; that's two different things.


Please elaborate. And what cell did you put the crates?


Always try the simple things first; make sure the crates aren'f flagged "Initially Disabled."

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If they are visible in the Editor and the mod is active then they will be in the game.


First, double check that the mod is active; always do the simple things first.


Second, make sure they really are where you think they are in the Editor. I did that once; I was editing stuff in one cell, then wondering why they weren't there in a different cell.


Realize, that when you exit the sewers the cells inside change. I don't know how far out that goes, but the Legion has realized that a prisoner has escaped and has barred the door and cleaned up some of the inside after you (it's actually part of a different quest).


Then, maybe some other mod is covering them up or hiding them.


Finally, did you have more than one mod active when you made the crates? You cannot use stuff from one mod in a different mod. That's what is known as "Mod Isolation" and it sucks, but we have to live with it. You can manipulate stuff from other mods in the Editor, but when you open the editor again, the stuff will be gone.

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The crates are not disable and I did only turn on one mod which was the one with the crates and they are still not there and I did look in the CS and they are in the right spot since the crates are near that ayleid ruin that is northwest of them. But I did try downloading a mod and only having that one on to see if it was working and it was.
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