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My currenct character is Rasputin, a male Snow Leopard Mage. About 25 years old, with green eyes. He dress and act the way excentric wizards have a tendecy to do. Turning people's heads and draw gasps from the men and women of the temple is what he likes best when visiting town. He's got a rather stuck-up personality, a possible result from the magic-dabbling. He prefers to work alone in his tower, when he's not doing what he refers to as 'archaeology', a word that actually means 'I break inside some ancient underground ruin or crypt, kill everything inside that have any objections against this and walk off which everything slightly valuable'. These treasures he generally sells off, since being a magician striving to relearn his capabilities is quite expensive. Espesially when doubled with other expensive habits.

He likes, of course, to study the arts of magic as well as history. He can often be seen on the top of his tower, studying the stars, bottle of wine in hand. That, and the aforementioned archaeology. Learning about history, customs and peoples past before turning them to ash is fun!

He dislikes the imperial watch in general, along with the nobility. He does like the mages guild and his colleagues there, but he doesn't like it when non-magicians believe they can give him their rules to follow.


His story is one he keeps to himself, since it'd cause quite a few questions and very much doubt. He was born and grew up during the era when the Ayleids were still agressibly expanding their city-states. He had been gifted with a remarkable magical talent, and soon harnessed his skills with enough skill to be accepted as an apprentice to a mage, living in a large tower by the coast. This mage, however, made a mistake during an experiment of his, and turned into green glass, which then shattered in a thousand pieces in front of his mortified apprentice and then flew away like butterflies. This left Rasputin the owner of the tower, which he put to good use to further his knowledge.

The nearby Ayleid city followed the strict code that practice of magic was only allowed for wild elves, and soon found out about their new neighbour. When they sent out a party to sieze him, Rasputin began sifting through the tomes for a mass-teleport spell, to take him and his tower to a safer place.

With the elves kicking on his door, he used a spell he found in one of the dustiest tomes. However, either he misunderstood the workings of the spell or slipped on the toung in his chanting, for the spell didn't have the desired effect. It did vanish, but not through space but time, leaving it's hapless occupant alone where it had been.

The city tribunal was going to sentence him to death for practicing magic, but were impressed by how a lowly beastman could obtain such a knowledge so fast. Therefore, they decided to have him put in magical stasis, until they had time to question him. There, deep down in the crypts and tunnels bound by magic shackles, he was promtly forgotten, when his papers got missplaced by a hungover clerk for the tribunal. Shielded from the winds of time and age, he remained, while years went by. The elves' city reached it's zenit, crumbled and fell. On the fields of Cyrodiil, men and elves fought, until men claimed victory. Centuries passed, the Akaviri arrived, conquered and lost. Emperors came and went. All this time, Rasputin remained, slumbering under the ruins.

The beginning to the end came when adventurers stole away the city's great Welkynd stone, which provided power for his shackles. Without it, the powers bled away, and corridors and halls went dark.

A few years after this incident, the magical chains finally gave way and turned to dust, awakening Rasputin from his sleep. Free at last, but now caught in a time and age that was not his own, severly weakened by all those years. He stumbeled out from the ruin, still with inert manacles latched on to him. Needless to say, this attracted the attention of the legion, who promptly had him put into prison once again, in case he was connected to the recent assassination of the Emperor's first son. There, he was nursed back to health and began to learn the language of the new age. Then, came that fateful day when the Emperor fled the city...

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My character info:


Name: No body knows his name, but around tamriel he is known as Strider. [i love Lotr]


Money Status: He hunt some animals (Deer) and sell their meat or help peoples for a little money.


Living Location: A little House on tree.[Waterfront]


Social: He is not very talky person always sit in INN corner in dark and smoke his pipe[smoke Pipe Mod]


Equipment: Legs: Light Armor, Green shirt, Dark Green cloak, and cape, Silver Bow, Silver Arrows, Eleven Knife, and Ranger Sword[Mod LOTR Strider Sword]




As little he was borned In some eleven place [unknown Location] he was raise by the eleves, then he join a dunedain rangers.

And start his Ranger Life.


Dont know how to describe more, but in some words i am trying to play most like Ranger. still please if u have some time people send me PM with good ranger mods.


Thank u



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Hi, my character is an older Nord woman. I've played with her since Morrowind. She's a Barbarian. I once uploaded her as a save game and people told me how ugly she was. But she's a Barbarian, not a beauty pageant contestant. She's not into the sexy skimpy armor and high heels or being made up. I guess you can say she's low maintenance. Like me. When traveling as much as she does, sleeping in caves and in the forest-you have to pack light. What she can carry is weapons and potions.

I guess I identify with her because it's important to her to be physically strong-as it is to me. Strength was her first skill she mastered. She's low key and for the most part friendly but she's got some social issues going on also but she deals them differently than I do. I don't beat up people who get on my nerves. I tend to ignore them or get a little-what was that word that poster used to let me know I was being a B. ...snarky. Lol.

Her name is Jackie. Just happens to be my name too.

She's been modded with a wig that makes her gray/white hair very long and down past her butt. She wears the fantastic Sonja armor mod and she likes to hang out with her dog and panther friends. Sometimes she'll also hang out with her other human companions but they always seem to be getting lost or killed so she only asks them to join when absolutely needed on a mission.


She's working on her magic skills now because they're pretty low. But most of her fighting skills have been mastered. Including sneak and acrobats.


I should have a background story for her but I really don't. She just arrived in Morrowind and her adventure and journey began there.


I've been playing with this character since I started playing Elder Scrolls. (III and IV) I have no intentions of changing characters. Even if Elder Scrolls V is made. I don't care if she'll have to be 80 years old and walking with a cane-she'll still be going on adventures but I think she'll focus more on her magic skills at that point since she'll probably weaken with age and have some health limitations.

Here's a picture of her.

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Here's a better and more in-depth thing of my character!


Name: Godo Sarukodai

Gender: Male

Species: Jinimaru

Sign: The Lady

Class: Acrobat

Money: 400 Gold or less

Homes: Bruma Caverns, Waterfront Shack, Bravil Shack, Riverhold Den, Corinthe Shack. (and any free bedrolls he sees)

Favourite Land: Shivering Isles

Friend: Thadon (Bosmer, Bliss)

Best Friend: Brithaur (Bosmer, Crucible)

Enemy: Raminus Polus (Imperial, Mages Guild)

Worst Enemy: Arch-mage Traven (Breton, Mages Guild)

Mental Information: Delusional, hyperactive, kleptomaniac, schitzophrenia.

Combat Preference: Bow & Arrow, Blade

Combat Style: Stealth

Greatest Fear: Losing Sheogorath

Greatest Want: For Sheogorath to rule Tamriel

Physique: Slender, athletic.

Level: 30-40 (changes every few Oblivion days)

Joined Guilds/Factions: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, The Blades, Shivering Isles Resident, Hunters Guild (mod)

Neutral Guilds/Factions: Fighters Guild, Imperial Legion (mod), Acoltyl, Heretic, Bandit, Vampire, Merchants Guild (mod).

Enemy Guilds/Factions: Mages Guild, Knights of the Nine, Conjurer, Mythic Dawn.

Childhood: Godo was forced to worship Sheogorath as a cub, but grew up being overly loyal. He was also often beaten with a stick by Dark Elves who lived in Corinthe, and on several occasions was accidently mistaken for a slave in Orcrest. Godo's father was killed whilst he was a child.

Teenage: Godo spent many of his teenage as a Bandit in Cyrodill and a slave abolisher in Elsweyr, he was often beaten with a stick by Dark Elves and Orcs whenever he held protests in Orcrest. Godo's mother was killed when he was a teenager, and upon her death he ended his life as a Bandit and Slave Abolisher, and became a Hunter.

Diet: Omnivoir, will eat anything he can find...even Nightshade if no other food is available! (when in a state of madness, he'll even eat Bosmer!!)

Prefered Food: Venison, Boar, Horse, Fish

Disliked Food: Wheat, Rice, Lettuce, Cabbage (obviously Poisonous items too)

Most Common ingredients in Poisons: Nightshade, Wormwood, St. Jahn's Wart, Flax Seeds.

Most Common ingredients in Potions: Venison, Lavender, Apple, Carrot.

Weapon Enchantment: Damage Health 15-30 points on strike.

Favourite Arrow Type: Elven Arrow

Favourite Blade type: Daedric Dagger

Favourite Armour: Leather

Spells: night-eye, detect life, invisibility, heal wounds, cure disease, dispel.

Friendly Races: Bosmer, Khajiit, Jinimaru (mod)

Neutral Races: High-Elf, Nord, Tabaxi (mod)

Hostile Races: Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Dark Elf, Orc, Argonian

Favourite City/Town: Imperial City, Skingrad Town

Least Favourite City/Town: Orcrest City, Bravil Town

Favourite Daedra: Sheogorath

Least Favourite Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon

Favourite Devine: Akatosh

Least Favourite Devine: Stendarr

Main Weakness: Low Personality, Low Strength (when not sneaking)

Main Strength: Sneak, Security



Godo is the last of his species in most of the provinces of Tamriel and was driven mad by the thought (some still exist in Skyrim, Valenwood and Black Marsh). He's an 'annoying fan' of Sheogorath and worships him even when committing murder for the Dark brotherhood (instead of worshiping Sithis). He's a member of the Theives Guild and likes to harass the Grey Fox, and enjoys randomly punching Fighters Guild members and getting kicked out of the guild constantly. He hates the Mages Guild with a passion and will attack anyone who approaches him wearing one of their robes. His best friend is Brithaur in Crucible who steals from him, and who he steals back from. His enemy is Raminus Polus of the Mages guild. He likes to play cat and mouse with Hieronymus Lex and The Blades by stealing from them in a way so they can catch him and engage combat/chase, this behavior is actually a trait of his species and not of his kleptomania as his people attacked Ogres so they'd be chased by them (this supposedly trained their Athletics skill when they couldn't go hunting for some reason). He also likes to annoy Jauffre and Martin by stealing from them and waving the stolen item in front of them (another trait of the species, and not kleptomania). When not randomly stealing or attacking people, Godo likes to dungeon dive for loot and reads as many books as he can before throwing them at the nearest person. He also enjoys making poisons and hunting. Godo's people usually fought with tooth and claw as he does now and where also very skilled with making the deadliest of poisons which they used to contaminate enemy food supplies. Godo however likes dipping his arrows into the poisons he makes and shooting his enemies instead. He was born under the sign of the Lady, and certainly does not like it when people mention it. If someone sees him commit murder, Godo will respond by murdering EVERYONE who shouts murder and will only flee if his health goes below 100 (out of 600). He does not kill Townsfolk in the Shivering Isles, but will kill Guards and anyone outside of settlements. He likes to go hunting with Jyred Ice-viens, and always loots the kills. Godo also finds it amusing to listen to the Prophet and then attack him when he gets too loud. Without his poisons, bows and arrows he is a very frail creature and is easily able to catch diseases. His father was killed by Imperial Guards at the border near Riverhold whilst trying to flee Elswyer as he had contracted a hybrid disease which made him a vampiric werewolf (drinks blood as a werewolf when the moon is half full or more.) The Mages Guild insisted he be slaughtered before the disease could spread, and thus came one half of why Godo hates the guild. The other half stems from the fact that his mother was used by the guild to isolate a Necromancer with her tracking abilities, and was then used as bait without her knowing it to flush him out. Godo swore to kill anyone in the Mages Guild should they ever approach him, and seeks to kill the one who gave the order to use his mother as bait.

Godo lives alone in a fishing residence not far from his hometown of Corinthe, where he catches sharks and other sea predators (and some normal fish) to sell at the market. His madness pushes him to hunting for the biggest and deadliest animals, even going so far as to ignore the need to brethe just so he can catch his prize. He spends most of his time in the Shivering Isles worshipping Sheogorath but doing little else, as most of his activities steam from Tamriel.

Godo is a young adult and because he beleives he's the last of his species he does -not- have a large interest in women.


(I need to fix his skin when I fix Photoshop, his mane doesn't connect to his shoulders like it should plus I haven't finished the female version. :o)


Picture of Godo near Imperial City

Godo begging not to see the vet as Sheogorath looks angry at him

Godo wants a fresh bowl of Bosmer, as his apparently tastes of rotten Scamps.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My character is a female wood elf named Kukiri. She looks all innocent and happy-go-lucky but under that she's a ruthless killer. When she kills other people an ecstatic feeling rushes through her. The bow is her strong point in combat, stealth is the same. She is also potent in the art of Mysticism. She lives in Bravil and sometimes pops into the skooma den every once in a while. Sithis is her father.
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I have four characters in Oblivion, so I guess I'll pick the popular one: Belle.




Many years ago, deep within a now-lost fortress in a lost corner of the Shivering Isles, a group of mad heretic priests sought to create the perfect weapon to destroy the hated Sheogorath. Nay, why stop there? They will create a machine capable of destroying the Daedric Lords and the Divines alike.


After a vast period of time and many failed experiments, they finally succeeding in creating their weapon. Not a sword or axe, but a body of steel cloaked in the visage of an innocent girl. The priests celebrated by ringing the massive bells residing in the tower above.


The girl's eyes flew open. She knew not where, who, or what she was, except that a deafening noise was echoing around her. Paranoia quickly gripped her, and her eyes wildly darted around, searching for the source. They fell upon her heretic creators, and she leaped towards them.


After reducing a few to a bloodied heap, the remaining priests saved themselves by hurtling her through a dimensional portal.


Emerging through the portal linking her world to Tamriel, Belle found herself alone in a dank sewer. At her feet lied an amulet bearing a gigantic ruby in the center. She received the strangest feeling upon picking it up. The power overwhelmed her: a power of godlike proportions. A power she was created to destroy. With that, she also felt another urge. A warm, familiar feeling.


The urge to kill.





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I am Rez. Colorless as a shadow in the night, subtle as the wind on your back, powerful as the forces fueling the stars, fearsome as the verification of one's own mortality. A demon, transcendent of the stars, the Daedra, even the constrictions of time and space. I have wrung the life from the flesh of countless legionnaires, and washed my feet in their blood. My hands, black as Oblivion itself, possess the power to crush every part of your existence so completely that even history will know you only as a fleeting scent of something reminiscent of a dream it forgot long ago. My blade hums and trembles, pulsating and bursting under the weight of its insatiable hunger for darkness, always dreaming of opening the floodgates of its own desire and spilling forth rivers of blood, death, and violence. I have become your children's nightmares. I am the lie you tell in rhyme to exercise control over your young. I am the irrational, irrevocable, uncontrollable fear that crawls like fingers up your spine and into your mind when you're alone in the dark. To look into my blood red eyes will cause all but the strongest of souls to flee their pathetic carcass just to save itself from damnation. My only purpose in this world is to cut a path through life and death, and attain what is in the space beyond: immortality.


-A Dark Elf with cropped hair and a strong jaw line. Skin pigment completely devoid of color, making him absolute black.

-Shirtless with amber leggings, boots, and gloves, a necromancer's hood, a ruby necklace and rings, all enchanted with massive boosts to all relevant stats (no modding on this character, although I did exploit a few glitches, one of which I discovered myself)

-Most often uses Umbra, for sentimental reasons ;) as well as an amber shield.

-Level 49, eventually you start running out of people to kill lol

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Lio was a small time Breton thief who was picked up by the gendarmes on suspicion of picking a merchant's pocket. There was no real evidence so she was expecting to get a fairly light sentence from the Imperial judge. Likely not more than a couple of months. Surely they woulden't send her to the mines for just suspicion would they? No matter what that jerk in the cell opposite says.


She is now caught up in the imperial intrigue and trying to help out as best she can. It's all very confusing, a dead emperor, an amulet, the secret blades, The heir, Prince Martin (he must be a prince if he is the heir), dealing with the daedra, closing gates, Mankar Cameron and other high level stuff. She has been working very hard to improve her skills and as a thief, born under the sign of the thief, she is naturally lucky. But just because she secretly works for the blades now doesn't mean she won't pick up things when they are just laying around for the taking. It seems that Imperial service can be very profitable.

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Hi, I just felt like posting a screen shot of my character, for whome I have already over explained.
Fire Engine red and probably with a temper to match.I would now like to introduce my capricious couple, Harem and her diminutive, but spunky, young companion, Ramy.Rabbit

Your Ramy friend looks adorable!


My character is actually a child too. 6 years old, in fact! Her name is Yamyll Indarys, and as you may have gathered from the name, is related to Cheydinhal's count. Her mother was Lady Llathasa, the count's late wife. She was near the end of her pregnancy, when she fainted by some stairs, and consequently broke her neck falling down them. The castle healer and her son Farwil rushed to her, but it was too late. Farwil thought quick to perform somewhat of a "C-section" birth, and with tearful eyes cut open his mother and saved the baby. The healer helped take care of her in her first few hours of birth. The Count was furious at what Farwil did. He also resented his newborn daughter, as the pregnancy with her had caused the death of his beloved wife, and he was afraid (seeing how pale she was) that she would grow to look just like her mother, and he could not bear that. Farwil, fearing for her safety, asked Llevana Nedaren, a dunmer residing in Cheydinhal, to care for her as her own. Farwil always writes letters and visits, but she is unaware that they are related, they're just best friends. She's always getting into mischief, and she aspires to be a great knight, just like Farwil! Which is why she has set out on her own adventures...



Jumping on the bed!


Sitting on ledges, that naughty girl!


Angry at a flower, because she is allergic to it.


Reading, she enjoys that. Oh dear, is that a dirty book?


She's been known produce some dangerous concoctions...paralyzed her instructor for a week!


Skipping around the imperial city.

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