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I would like to post my own baclstory, not doing so in the innitial topic due to the fact of wasting space.


But before I do, I would like to set the record strait.


-------------------------------- NON RELEVENT TO TOPIC----------------------------------------

1) Poltical correcness is not an issue for me, I believe that it is the single most trivial thing and is splitting our civilization apart, and I do not know if TRUE HIGHLANDER was making an attack agasinst me or not, I due commend the disregaurd for being politically correct, such issues fail in comparison to the facts of

i) the past did happen, and there is no use of being "nice " over what wasn't very "nice"

ii) Trying to be politically correct, As I have witnessed, does more to encourage racism and inequality than it does to prevent it

iii) I would rather be called a "Nazi Cracker Son Of A B!+(H" than supress a persons right to express their own oppinion


By the way who was it who said "If you try to impress everyone, you will only succeed in making everyone hate you"


Anyway. that is my oppinion, please diss it as you will, for it is your god given right :smile: (Just please, PM me your

concentrated hatred rather than spamming my posts, thanks)



Anyway, back to the topic at hand,


My characters name is Aryan, (After Aryan Tailor, not after hitlers "Super Race," The fact that I choose to play as a rather Nazi-like character is a coincidence)


My Race is Lupanite


My class is Russian


My playing Style is Necromancer


My hobbies are:


Causing Riots

Orc Genocide

Long strolls through stuff


Being Awsome

And placement of my army in an attempt of conquering Tamriel


Back Story:


In the year 2173, a lab in Russia developed a transdimentional gateway that just so happened to land in the world of Oblivion. My character, Aryan, desides to go through the gate on a super important mission, to collect data for supreme ruler of Russia, Demity Yorkenheimer ;) Aryan had trained vigourulsy for months preparing for this great leap into the unknown, for she knew once she was through, she was on her own. Upon arrival in this strange world, she had found herself transformed throught the process into a half human, half wolf high-bread, and to make things worse, she was aproached by an ugly green monster!


This monster adressed her with a simple "Hello," however, she knew the true nature was something evil, after all, this strange world had the sheer makings of evil. She then commenced to pull out her government issued AK 47 and shoot the threat. Than he came, the human. Beng glad to see at last an intelligent being, she put away her weapon and commenced to make contact with the sentinent being, only to be greeted with "Stop, You have violated the law". seeing that she had wasted the last of her ammo on the big ugly green thing, she reluctantly accepted her fate. They took all of her government issued gear and shipped it to the east to be examined by the top scollers of the new world.


So she bacame to sit in jail, only tobe mocked by some blue smart @$$ in the cell adjacent to her. To her surprise, her sentence was short lived, for the next thing that happened was some old dude claiming to be the emporer of this "Tamriel," in which he called it, told her that she was the one from his dreams, which was kinda creepy. He continued to babble on about stars and crap, in which confused Aryan. Aryan than commenced to do some kind of tutorial that gave her magic powers or something.


Upon exiting this introduction to the new world, she decided to complete the wish of the wierd old dude, but first, she had to make sure that the wierd green monsters, locals called them orcs, could never again foil the plans of her great home nation of Russia, and so, she studied with the magics of the local mages guild, and discovering how to open a portal to Russia she was able to summon her underlings to her sidein an attempt to eliminate the ugly opposition and establish russias foot hold in this new world.


She also learned of a new magic called necromancy, and a few trips to tesnexus later, she became the first russian to ever travel to a new dimention, become a wolf person, establish an army in a new world, learn necromancy, and commit genocide against a wierd green race.



So, what do you guys think of my backstory?

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My name is James Shadowthief.


I'd like to clear something up, because you seem to be confused.


Stuff belongs to me.


ALL stuff belongs to me.


If you are using stuff, or have stuff, or are near stuff - I'm just allowing you to use / have / be near MY stuff.


I'm such a nice guy that I'm letting you keep your shadow - I could take that too.



Clear now?

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My character's name is Edouard Curwen (Lovecraft reference, ahoy!)

He's a necromancer who came to Anvil after booking passage from Highrock, where he had a little 'misunderstanding' involving the bodies of several guards.

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Hi, I just felt like posting a screen shot of my character, for whome I have already over explained.

Fire Engine red and probably with a temper to match.


I would now like to introduce my capricious couple, Harem and her diminutive, but spunky, young companion, Ramy.






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(This is my first post!, I recently just bought the game for the 360, and haven't progressed much in the game even though I have 40 hours of play!)






Warning, this story contains spoilers




















My name is Borak, in this life I am a Brenton. I have lived many lives, each time I reach the pinnacle of ability, then the powers that be tear my soul from the material plane and deposit me on another. Each life, including this one, I am drawn to the way of sword and spell, this was no exception. As of now, my life on this world has changed at an alarming speed.


Let me start at the beginning. I was born in Skingrad, one of the counts maids was my mother, my father was a wandering fighters guild member. I received a good education by the graces of the count's sympathy towards my mother, and was trained by the city guard in the way of the sword. My skill with a bow was lacking, so a career in the guard was not likely. I showed an aptitude for magic at an early age, even being hindered by the birth sign of the Atronach I prospered as a student of magic, particularly the destructive arts. I set out on my own, to claim my fame, and hopefully a good bit of gold.


I traveled to Kvatch, seeking adventure, what I found was calamity. I hadn't been in town more than a month, when I met a woman from a small town called Hackdirt. We became friends, and then...... (sighs) never mind, it is not important to my tale. It was winter, a cold night which would change my life forever. The guards busted down the door to our room at the inn, and arrested us both. The Count Goldwine, rest his soul, had us tried for worshiping the deep ones. The woman was accused of additional crimes of treason to the empire, and was hung. My fate? Well thanks to strings pulled by Count Hassildor of Skingrad on behalf of my mother, I was going to spend some time in the Imperial Prison.


Call it fate, luck, or destiny, but my cell was located on the rout which Emperor Septim used try to escape the assassins. Yes, I was there that day, when the emperor died. Before the assassin struck the killing blow, he gave me the Amulet of Kings to take to Jauffre, the Grandmaster of the Blades.


Once I was out into the free air, I wasn't sure I wanted to be caught up the emperors assassination. Instead, I made it my business to travel to Chorrol, and find out what I could about Hackdirt. I found out the daughter of a local Argonian merchant had went missing while on a trip there, and went to investigate. I found the people unfriendly, and rude. I finally found out about the worship of the deep ones, and about the woman who ran from Hackdirt to start a new life. My anger got the best of me, I went into the caves under the town, and slaughtered every single one of the residents.


I then spent some time being nothing but a sell sword who gambled at the arena. I did a few jobs for the fighters guild, and became an associate of the mages guild, but didn't really pursue either. I decided to try my hand at being an arena combatant. I worked my ways through the ranks, when I was a gladiator, I worked up enough courage to speak to the Grey Prince, now former grand champion. He asked me to find out what I could about his heritage. I agreed, and traveled west to Crowhaven. There I battled vampires until I found the Prince's father, himself a vampire. I took this information, and told the Prince. He was deeply troubled. I continued to work my way up the arena ladder, and eventually challenged the Grey Prince to combat. He didn't try to fight, begging me to put him out of his misery. I did so, a favor one warrior to another.


After that, I used my winnings from the arena to but a small home on the waterfront in the Imperial city. Another twist of fate it seems. I trespassed where I should not have, and not having the money to pay my fines, I spent some time in jail (I spent everything on the house). I later was invited to the thieves guild, where I currently occupy the rank of Shadow Thief. I'd rather not talk about my exploits with them however.


I decided it was time to deliver the amulet. I was sent to Kvatch to find the priest Martin, last heir to the throne. I was not looking forward to going back there. I saw smoke on the horizon when I approached the city, it was in ruins. The memories of the scene still haunt me. I found the captain of the guard still holding the road. I'm not sure what caused me to, but I went into the gate of Oblivion, and ripped the sigil stone out of the tower, closing the portal.


Still feeling the exhilaration of battle, the feel of a steel sword cleaving Deadra flesh, and the pulse of the destructive magics flowing through my veins, I charged in with the guards to free the city! Doing so,and finding the count deceased, I left with a heavy heart to return Martin to Weynon Priory. From there, we heard of a prophet who spoke a great evil. I quested with Martin and Jaufree to destroy Uramil, and restore the knights of the nine.


That brings us to now. Martin and Jaufree are hiding in Cloud Ruler Temple, and charged me with finding Barus. For now, I have hung up my crusader armor, feeling to much of a shadow on my soul to wear it. I have been working with the thieves guild, and do much exploring searching for alchemical ingredients. I occasionally travel with a fellow knight of the nine to purge undead and bandits out of old ruins. In fact, there is an old ruin full on conjures just east of Pell's gate where we will travel to next. The quest to save Tamriel? Well, one day, I will purge my soul of impurities, and reclaim the crusaders relics once again, then I shall show the Deadra of Oblivion what happens when the trespass on the lands of the nine! The hour is late, and I have no more stories to tell. Worry not young one, I will save Tamriel from destruction, fear not the fires of Oblivion.

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