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for new players,


a good idea would be too download HDtextures, cuz bioware didn't do a very good job with the textures. the game looks so much better with it, and it doesn't slow down the game.


you can download it here:


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I can second that. The problem with texture mods is always the same. There are professional artists behind projects and products this big and continuity and coherence is more important that fidelity. What do I mean? Well, most games have much higher resolution textures to work off but then compress and remove details from them on purpose to make them more in tone with the rest of the product. Yes, game artists do make textures look worse on purpose and it makes perfect sense if you delve into the psychological aspects of aesthetics and wholeness. Lifelike, real textures just look terrible silly on character models and architecture with the low level of details Dragon Age has. The overall style must be maintained or players might feel uneasy about the result because subconsciously they feel that something doesn't match together. I certainly felt that way in oblivion with those excellent texture mods available there. A little bit more details is always a matter of preference and can enrich the experience but sooner or later the community will cross the border into the absurd.
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This game sucks in every way except for the storyline and character creation...It seems they went for that aspect and said the heck with everything else...U can't go back, every battle u get into seems the same except for a few "special" battles...and bosses. U get crammed into a few small areas for quests...U actually have to pay for extra quests midstream after paying 50$ for the game! That blows chow in my book. If Bioware want's to make extra money, expand the game "after" it has proven itself...
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So far the game's worth every penny I spent on it, but I wish there was an in-game tactics tutorial. It took me forever to fine tune the characters and I still forget to Pause and redirect when necessary, like when I lose sight of my cursor during Blizzard. o_O
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This game sucks in every way except for the storyline and character creation...It seems they went for that aspect and said the heck with everything else...U can't go back, every battle u get into seems the same except for a few "special" battles...and bosses. U get crammed into a few small areas for quests...U actually have to pay for extra quests midstream after paying 50$ for the game! That blows chow in my book. If Bioware want's to make extra money, expand the game "after" it has proven itself...


The game sucks no more for me than i am on my 4. playthrough now. And for the 50 bucks, thats what you spend on just one evenings fun elsewhere. You certainly don´t "have to" pay for extra quest, but i am in deed going to/allready did purchase every DLC/quest, and hope there will be more.

True, some of the quests are small, but there are also a number of big ones. The grafics are NOT as perfect as Oblivion, but i find them OK. Especially the surrounding enviroments are not very detailed. But on the other hand if they where, we whould be complaining about to powerfull grafics, demanding high level equipment.

DAO can be played on an average computer, on max settings, the storiline is good, quests are fairly good, 80-90 hours of playtime. So all in all i think you get your merchandise for the money.

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Well DA is kind of the antithesis to FO3 and TES.


While in FO3 and TES you're in an open world and need to make your own story, DA is storydriven, i.e. you have less freedom and the world is much more compact, every spot is filled with stories.


Also it is pause and play. You control a full group in DA, so you have to pause in battles to be able to control the actions of all your party members. You can automatize DA to an extend, but there are limits to what can be done, and for optimal control you really need to micromanage every action of your group.



About quality, all I can say there is that DA has a very good story, good characters, and good quests. I dont know why FO3 bored you, though, so that might not help.

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