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This is no easy undertaking, and first time players might try doing Redcliffe to early(you were warned).

Uuuh, why that ?


I got these warnings about redcliffe before, too, but seriously. All you need is a healer and the usual big heap of mana potions you should always have (and I didnt needed many of those, either). Pause the game every once in a while and throw a heal to the guy with the lowest hitpoints. This way I kept up all allies with no problem. The only trouble are the yellow guys in the beginning ... for those you should better already have the Regenerate spell (its much better than simple Heal).

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Ehm Curious002.. He was meaning doing redcliffe first, by first he means right out of lothering, by right out of lothering he means having barely any mana potion (or even potions) or healer whatsoever.

Redcliffe is.. cumbersome for non-mages to do first, it's far more practical to roam around a bit, perhaps do the dlc and get potions & a couple levels (which means heal 1 and cone of cold for morrigan, for example).

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  • 1 month later...

I have to say that I'm totally addicted to this game lol :banana:


IMO it's well worth the money and I've uninstalled oblivion and fallout3 and I never thought that would happen! lol

Thanx to everyone for the suggestions and replies!!

I'm so looking forward to March when Awakening comes out!! weeeeeee!



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In my opinion, this is story teling at its finest. Though I can spot a few inconsistencies, there are more of the good stuff. Whenever I finish one game, I'd immediately start a new game. SO ADDICTIVE. And what I find odd is that I always discover something new in the game. It's never the same for me.
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  • 3 weeks later...

So far I've logged about 160 hours on this game. On the first playthrough. No, I have not been stuck anywhere on any point. I think I'm at least past 2/3 of the game, thank god.


I think the game is so long for me because I try to do everything, and I walk around in a new area instead of run, so I can take it all in. Because the graphics and immersiveness are good IMO. Keep in mind that if the graphics get any higher, slightly-older computers won't be able to run max settings.

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