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Actors move position when using COC or MoveTo?


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Im making this quest.


Basically an NPC offers you a task, and when you say yes I use the moveto command to put the player in an arena with a gecko. You beat the gecko, the door to the arena unlocks, and you walk back to report your victory.


My issue is that when I walk back into the NPC's house, all the NPCs in that interior cell have moved to a specific location within the cell. My guess is that this is triggered somehow by the player being moved into or out of the interior cell with a script, because this happens when I COC into the building from console (the NPCs are in the right spot immediately after COCing in, but are moved if I leave and reenter the cell) or when I come back from being MoveTo'd out of the building (during the quest I mentioned).


I guess its also worth mentioning that i disable one of the NPCs in the building during the same dialogue option that uses MoveTo to transport the player into the arena.

The problem is that the place the game chooses to move the NPCs to is behind a locked door, is there some way to avoid them being moved or at least specify where they get moved to?

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