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Companion mods and horses


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i've asked for this before, someone said its already done in the mod but it isnt =/


anyway im not spamming, i asked like 1 or 2 months ago.


so could someone add some sort of code or script whatever it is to CM partners mod so that if you get on a horse your partner/partners will also get on one, if there is a horse in a certain distance of course.


it would be so cool to have your partners riding along side you.


thanks alot :)


hopefully this could be done.

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Yes, it's been done. Only not the way that you want. Ramy's Enfant. Besides being a terrific companion she comes with a unicorn pony that will appear whenever you mount a horse of your own. I don't know how to do it, but if it can be scripted for her than it could be scripted for others. And, yes again, it is fun to have the two of you riding along enjoying the beautiful scenery together. I hope that this helps.


Edit: Please note that CM Partners mod is not needed for this mod to run. It is independent.




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Aslo Dremora Companion. You summon two Nightmares, and both characters ride them.


If you use Companion Share Recruit, any person you recruit as a companion will ride a horse that you own or that is not stolen. Good to have Slof's Extra Horses for that purpose.

I just took a bunch of screen shots this week of my character and some Dark Seducer shop keeper she recruited out of someone's mod both riding horses.

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Well after speaking to a few people yesterday about something id really like, i found out it dosnt work.


i asked if someone could make a small add on to CSR which allows a companion to ride a horse that isnt stolen, everyone said it already works and it dosnt.


ive reinstalled the mod several times and it does not work!!!!


does anyone know how to get it working?


and for the record, im not using bought horses, im using summonable horses or ziras horses


do they work?

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Merged this thread with other one.

Changed topic title to reflect the content.



The simple fact of the matter is that NPCs will not ride a horse they do not own. An unowned horse will not work, the horse MUST be owned by the NPC or a faction that NPC is a member of. Most moded horses set the horses to be owned by the player faction in order to work with companions, but this is not always possible depending on how the mod is setup. If this doesn't work, the solution lies in just setting the ownership of the horse to the actor you want to ride that horse with console.

;;; select the horse;;;
setownership playerfaction

If the companion is not in the player faction, add the companion to the player faction

;;; select the companion;;;
setfactionrank playerfaction 0





If neither works, then that particular companion does not have their packages setup to use horses.

Edited by Vagrant0
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