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Fast Travel Easy Solution


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Old subject, im sure, but im new to forums.

Just thought id add my 2 cents.


Easy solution for the fast travel system

(and yes i say "solution" because to my perception the ability is a fault)

Is to simply not use it.. ANNND because simply not useing it will feal to sticky

It should record how many times you have used it. Just so you can look it up, show your friends that you didnt use the yucky system, and say "Yeaaaaaawwhhhh thats right im not a %#@*"!


i spose the games coming out in in like 5 days or so? to late to add that feature in. And no point to really mod it in because you could just mod away the feature altogether instead right? Lets hope that they

have thought of recording the # of times you use it. :(


Fable recorded the number of times u killed someone got drunk ect. Thats the kind of recording system i would like for oblivion. the only thing im hoping to be similair to the two games.


People are knocking Oblivion for looking like Fable? PUH-LEEZ fable had no exploration value ect.nuff said.



What are you peoples thinkin?

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Well, welcome to the forums. :)


I have never heard anyone comparing Oblivion to Fable, maybe because, oh I don't know...Fable looks and plays rubbish?


This fast travel system is only a new thing for people who never played Daggerfall, although there the landscape between travel points was bland to say the least. I could definitely think of times in Morrowind where it would have been great to have it.

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True, true. But you can't defend the fact that all the major towns and villages are already in your fast-travel system. Perhaps if they'd made it so you could buy maps to certian places which add them to your fast-travel - actually, I quite like that idea. Someone mod it in :P
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True, true. But you can't defend the fact that all the major towns and villages are already in your fast-travel system.



Well, they were already on your map in Daggerfall too. ;D

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Bah. Okay then Mr I've-Played-More-Elder-Scrolls-Than-You :P, but that doesn't exactly answer the question. I liked the fact that you had to discover places, at least the first time (disregarding fast travel of course). That cool feeling when you rounded the bend and went under that stone arch as you entered Gnisis for the first time was cool. Having them already marked removes and element of discovery, even if all you discovered were some roadsigns pointing you in the right direction. Its all about suspension of disbelief, and something like this doesn't keep you in the world.
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There is a statistics screen similar to that of the one in Fable, stuff listing miscellaneous stuff like miles travelled, kills, etc. So it's possible that number of Fast Travels used will be on that list as well.
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I think I'll like the fast travel system. Walking around all the time gets annoying. If I want to explore, I will. But if I'm going back to town, or to another town, I don't want to have to take an uneventful walk three (although it wouldn't be so bad if there were lots of people travelling between towns, caravans, bandits at night, etc). It's nice to be able to save five to ten minutes of walking . Sure you miss out on the scenery, but there's plenty of time to enjoy it when you want to.


I do, however, agree with you, loveme4whoiam, it would be interesting to have to find / buy maps in order to add new cities to your fast travel map (or just visit the town once if you can't find a map). hopefully it won't be too hard to mod this. however, I could live without it - I think spears take precedence for most important mod :)

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the fast travel map will be great for late in the game, or needing to get home from a cave or what not.


I don't see it as a game breaking feature myself, unless you use it as one. the game will have a console interface too so anyone who doesn't want to 'play proper' so to speak doesn't have to. but the console is easy to ignore and so will be the fast travel map.


when i started playing morrowind i could have taken the strider to balmora then to vivec and on right away.

but i didn't. i walked. why? because i wanted to level up on the way and because that feeling of discovery that loveme mentioned is a big part of what i was playing for. so i'll probably do like rajy and not use it, at least not till i've been where i'm going (if that makes sense)


that said the idea of buying maps to gain destinations would have been great

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The map idea is very nice. I am sure that it will be one of the first mods to be posted.


As for the fast-travel system, more specifically, the cities that are already on your map at the beginning fo the game, think of it in terms of reality.


Suppose you journeyed to a another country, where youve never been before. You buy a map of that province or country. That map will have major cities on the map (as they ARE major cities in that area and would be well known to all) as well as the roads to get there. So, you journey along the way to another city. Along the way, you pass a ruin. It is not on the map, but when you get close, it is then. Now you can fast travel there, just as you could fast travel to a major city.


I, personally, will not use the fast travel for probably the first month of playing. I will most likely journey to the different areas of the province on foot, or by steed, just to take in the awesome splendor of Cyrodiil.


Again, my reiteration on the maps...Being from this land, your character would most likely know where that major towns are, so having them on your quick-travel map already is not a game-breaking decision.


Now... if you were stranded on a large island, like, um.. MORROWIND for instance...then yeah, having a quick-travel access map would definately have been out-of-reality.

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Good point griffonwing. Hmph.


Seriously though, thats a good point which I'd rather ignore. I like to explore, and while I value realism pretty damn highly (at least, as far as realism in a game with orcs and arrows which blast people into the air can be) I like my exploration a bit more. Still, it's hardly a game-breaking feature.

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