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When Playing Around With The Options In Oblivion (for Performance) Whi


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The title: When Playing Around With The Options In Oblivion (for Performance) Which options would you like to have on their best?


I'm going for the largest view distance i can get, together with a decent framerate. All the other options (unless i find some really cool ones) will be turned as low as possible, to keep those two on a good level.Ofcourse i won't turn of everything to make the framerate go from 30 fps to 120 fps, 30 fps is fine for me. Don't believe the human eye can see fps over 60 anyway.


So what option would you like to have on it's best? Or do you want a bit of everything? I know that my shadows are going to be off, as they were with morrowind (my mouse got oversensitive when i even turned on the lowest shadow level)


Oh and this mostly counts for people who don't have supercomputers, which, i think, are a lot of people :)

Oh and this is not a "how will my computer run with oblivion" thread, so don't start talking about that.

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Yeah... I think I'll go for mainly view distance as well. Draw distance for items would probably be turned up too. Now and then I might set everything to max just for the hell of it but I would think that would be a 10 FPS affair for now. :P Anisotropic Filtering is another must... I hate fuzzy textures (er well, even with no AF the textures are probably pretty good actually). Anti-aliasing isn't a biggy. Shaders would be nice, especially since my card can support SM 3.0... but we'll see.
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Depending on how the game runs on my computer I'll probably set NPC detail up high.


I have a GREAT program for morrowind that dynamically adjusts view-distance depending on framerate, I wish Bethesda would implement that into Oblivion. It shouldn't be all that hard really since the game keeps track of FPS anyway and the view distance affects performance a lot (also considering a 3rd party programmer could do it...).

It's not likely that we'll get it though :(

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Doesn't resolution have to be part of this discussion too? You may have to play at 1024 x 768 if you have a mid-level system.


I have a 17" LCD monitor with 1280 x 1024 native resolution and a GeForce 7800 GTX. I will be happy if the frame rate doesn't drop below 30 FPS in some places. I hope I'm being too pessimistic but I think only the high-end systems will be able to maintain a constant 30+ frame rate at high resolutions.

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Dilvish with that GPU you'll sail through the game with everything on full. If you don't then I want to talk to the guy handling the games scaleable engine.


I'm hoping mine will be able to run it with everything in full - I'll accept 1024x768 if I can have everything in full.

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I have a laptop with a gig of ddr3 and a geforce 6800 256m


I'm not to big on shadows ore anti-alias either, but my screen runs up to 1920x1200!

dare I run it as such?

I'll be geting sweet looking frames if i do, about 15 a second! ha!


what do you think?

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Morrowind has View Distance and AI Distance sliders. I wouldn't be surprised if Oblivion has a few more distance sliders than Morrowind does.

Resolution, AA, AF, HDR, shadows, and all the distance sliders will be adjustable.


jurgen ploog, Do you play games at 1920 x 1200 now?

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I'd just stick it at 1024X780 or 800X600 but have all the neat little gadgets turned on. I dunno, does the ATI 850X Pro have sm 3.0 or whatever? I didn't bother to check...
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jurgen ploog, Do you play games at 1920 x 1200 now?


i play farcry at that setting and it runs well, except for one map. but that games old anyway.

i've played demos for new games like F.E.A.R. at that setting and it gets pretty rough.

morrowind I play at 1600x1200 with full settings except for shadows and it runs great, the frame rate is never really consistant though, and i've begun to think that uneven framerates are due to the game engine as changing settings dosen't really help.


maybe i should try this morrowind fps utility


1280x1024 is the resolution i'll probably end up playing IV at,

it just bugs me how awsome this game could look on my screen, if gameplay wasn't an issue. ha!

my computer always surprises me with its capability though.

and the game will look great at 1280x1024, or even 1024x768 reguardless i'd bet.

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I'd just stick it at 1024X780 or 800X600 but have all the neat little gadgets turned on. I dunno, does the ATI 850X Pro have sm 3.0 or whatever? I didn't bother to check...

I believe the 850 series all use SM 2.0b.


Personally, I think I'll try to go for as much view distance as my 2ghz comp with an FX5600 (256mb) can afford. Next I'd go for the shaders, I just love that water/grass/incredible lighting. But i'm barely scraping through with the minimums so... Frustrating, i could run Half Life 2 without so much as a stutter and it was possibly the best looking game i've played to date. Hopefully some miracle will occur with oblivion.


Oh and btw, I'm not dead.

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