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I recently released a test version of my mod Nagasteim with warning as such.
I specifically asked for testing and feedback.
Considering the number of downloads and views I am very disappointed with the community.
There has been absolutely no feedback other than teething issues which I fixed ASAP.

Having spent hundreds of hours creating all sorts of new stuff I think it is lame.

In a post since I offered a bastardized solution but still no response.


How's a person supposed to get any motivation to complete a game sized mod???

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Now that I posted that of course I wish I hadn't.

I've got nobody to blame but myself.

Now I think about it I can't expect much back if I don't put it into the community.


It's time i took a break to rethink things anyway.

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A neutral, short comment:

(I consider myself neutral in this matter, since i don't download mods and I don't actually play Oblivion. I just mod Oblivion)


When I read your post, I went to the Nexus (it would be better if you provided a direct link, btw) and the mod had no description.

Without a description to catch my interest, I don't think I would download it.


On the positive side, I happened to notice a mouse-over that said "An adventure in time", which might have gotten me curious (and there are some nice images)

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I have a question. Why do you mod?


Do you mod as a way of receiving accolades and recognition, or do you mod because you enjoy the outlet for your creativity and as a challenge? One path will be fraught with potholes, as the "how do I install this" and "what armor is that" crowd will far outnumber those offering the feedback you crave. The other path requires a more self contained outlook where you find satisfaction in your own recognition of your personal accomplishments.

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A neutral, short comment:

(I consider myself neutral in this matter, since i don't download mods and I don't actually play Oblivion. I just mod Oblivion)


When I read your post, I went to the Nexus (it would be better if you provided a direct link, btw) and the mod had no description.

Without a description to catch my interest, I don't think I would download it.


On the positive side, I happened to notice a mouse-over that said "An adventure in time", which might have gotten me curious (and there are some nice images)

Since then I've had some feedback, found issues an removed the latest version.

At this stage the description just reads that.

As I make progress with the revision I'll update the description.

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I have a question. Why do you mod?


Do you mod as a way of receiving accolades and recognition, or do you mod because you enjoy the outlet for your creativity and as a challenge? One path will be fraught with potholes, as the "how do I install this" and "what armor is that" crowd will far outnumber those offering the feedback you crave. The other path requires a more self contained outlook where you find satisfaction in your own recognition of your personal accomplishments.

I hear what you are saying and thank you for the support.

I've spent more time doing mods for myself than playing Oblivion.

This one started as a fast training mod for me to test/trial others with a variety of characters, I had not planned to release it.

I soon felt it needed a quest to 'earn' all of that which led to the story.

I think the quest for that story needs developing and I've had to face it is better to restart.

When I posted here I was really down about that, several brick walls and starting to lose my voice.

Since then I've bounced back and I'm under way with fresh development of the Nagasteim saga.

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I've never learned one thing of value by doing things right ... my most valuable assets are always my mistakes. Take a few steps back and sometimes that's when you notice the fork in the road you'd missed.

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I've never learned one thing of value by doing things right ... my most valuable assets are always my mistakes. Take a few steps back and sometimes that's when you notice the fork in the road you'd missed.

That's very good advice, I appreciate it.

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