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I don't think this has been covered anywhere, but I'm wondering about Undead in TES4. What Morrowind really lacked were the abilities to be a necromancer or cleric/priest. Conjuration doesn't really count for necromancy...

Turn Undead was broken so a cleric's main weapon against the undead is lost. Healing magic is pointless when potions are much more effective and can be used in zero time, parties are non-existent for the most part so heal-other is pointless (except in a few situations, ie the companions in the expansions, or in the Firemoth plugin), cure paralysis doesn't work unless you make it on touch/target. you can't ressurect the dead, you can't animate the dead (without a plugin which I haven't tried yet),


does anyone know about the state of Turn Undead/Necromancy in TES4? did they just nix the former and and leave the latter in an underdeveloped state a la morowind?


if turn undead worked, and perhaps had a stronger version (rebuke undead in D&D, completely destroys weaker undead, or something akin to Disrupt undead from Lineage 2 - basically a spell that damages only undead), i would definitely make a cleric or priest type of character. throw in some heavenly smiting and we've got something. throw in the ability to resurrect a dead comrade (potential for quests here too), and we've got a true cleric.


for necromancy, command undead would be a basic spell (that would be outlawed ^^), but also the ability to raise bonewalkers/skeletons from corpses (basically akin to the summon, but no timer).


perhaps necromancy is a practice best left to NPCs, but I would like to build a holy smiter ^^


so yeah, is it just me that would like more parallels with traditional RPGs when it comes to undead? making them harder to beat with just an enchanted weapon...and rewarding players who walk the path of light who seek to rid the lands of these abominations?


...although I'd settle for a working Turn Undead... :)

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Nice ideas, but as you mentioned they are the lot of traditional rpgs. I wouldn't complain if they were implemented, a necromancy-lover myself, but they are basically the D&D standard for what necromancy is. It is my hope that if necromancy is in Oblivion, it will be more Elder-Scrolls flavored than purely traditional. Still, better to swim with the tide than have nothing.


Animating the dead as mindless thralls that still look like their living selves (but not skeletons) is confirmed, btw.

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how so? you mean if you kill someone or something you can re-animate them into a companion? If that's been confirmed (hopefully you can provide a link) then that opens up an entire new playing field.
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Yes, it is confirmed as in. Sounds like fun, will definitely be trying that if I make a mage char. :D


We’ve gone over the spells themselves and taken out some of the more useless ones and added in a number of new ones. So you’ll see quite a few new effects like Reanimate, an effect that allows you to resurrect a dead NPC and gain him as a follower.


Also, I recall Turn Undead is back and works this time. However it doesn't work like in D&D where lesser undead are annihilated outright. It's more of a "zombie yo-yo":


Turn Undead's a fun spell in Oblivion. I like playing "Zombie yo-yo" -- cast Turn Undead, the zombie runs away. Then the spell wears off and he turns around, running towards you again. Then cast Turn Undead on him just before he reaches you, and he runs away again. Repeat as long as you still find it funny and have enough magicka.


Again, you can find all this information in the Developer Comments database, if you just care to look. ;)

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Oh great, a reanimate spell. Now I can unleash my inner necromancer. I've come out of the closet at last, I am a necromancer too. Heh, I'm gonna have fun with that one. Ever since I played Clive Barker's Undying, any ressurect or reanimate spell has been a blast to use...



and I know I could have just looked at the database, but then what would be the purpose of yer job other than to lock threads ;) .

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