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For years, I've been using OBMM to install all of my Oblivion mods. Recently, I've read that Wrye Bash is the better choice. I don't mind using BAIN over OBMM if it's really that much better, but I'm not 100% sure how to use BAIN. I don't want to screw up my game.


I know .rar and .7zip archives can easily be installed with BAIN, but what about mods that are designed for OBMM (like OMODs and archives with omod conversion data)? How do I install those?


As a side question, I don't know if this is outdated or not, but I hear that Wrye Bash doesn't "redirect" BSA files. Is this true?


I'm using the latest version of Wrye Bash by the way.

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I do not have Oblivion anymore, so cannot help much further than to point out my Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide


I just updated the description because just about every link in there was broken due to site changes in the last year.


That guide should have everything you need to know


Reference OMODs - IIRC - Wrye Bash can extract them to a project folder ( Or OBMM can extract it to a folder outside of DATA ? ( I cant remember which or if both are true .. But one or the other works :smile: ), then you just repack it as a BAIN. Needs a fair bit of study of the mod, where files should go in the installation though, and experience with doing this kind of thing only comes with taking other peoples work apart and studying it. Once you have that experience converting one installer into a BAIN gets a lot easier.

You just need to study your modding tools capabilities and documentation.


BSA Redirection is automatic so long as you have it set in the Installers Tab settings .. See the following screen from my guide




Edit : PS IMHO Wrye Bash is by far the better Mod Manager, OBMM is famous for losing track of some of your installed files, in a complicated setup that can be a source of nightmares. Wrye Bash traditionally never loses track of a single file or overwrite, and anneals file conflicts between BAINs automatically. Of course this only works if all you installers are BAINs ( and not a mixture of things installed with another mod manager which Wrye Bash does not know about )


Edit 2 : Just passing thru here so any further questions will need to be answered by others.

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