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Decorating the House.


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If they haven't used a mod like the one above they might have used the Construction Set to originally place the items there.


The mod above would be useful for placing items you find ingame most certainly.


How are you trying to place things at the moment? Using the grab key or telekinesis spells?

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Using a consol command "tcl" to toggle collision, it will be easier for you to go to an ariel point of view and just slowly drag drop them into place. This is what i do when i want to place an object in game. That or i just spend a really long frustrating time not doing it lol. Rarely do i.. actually only one time like 2 years ago.. have i modded a house to be decorated with the items i wanted to decorate with that were already in my inventory.. kinda got a mod idea just now... hmm... anyways. ya
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