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If you could live in any country...


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What country would you live in?


I love sunny, mild weather and the ocean so I'd probably want to live in a place like northern Italy, or Portugal, or Spain or maybe even Greece or France. I love food as well, and those places just so happened to be known for their food worldwide so... :biggrin:


(this might lead to a discussion so I put it in debates)

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I like light and mild winters. Comming from Denmark I get the opposit, with 6 hours of daylight, and rain for about 4 months.

I would prefer a place like Canary Islands; not to warm in the summer and a nice light and mild winter.

Problem is to live in a entirely different country. The differenties between cultures are bigger here in Europe then in US.

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Language would be a big factor for me, and so would culture and standard of living. Being Canadian, the US might be an obvious choice but it wouldn't be an automatic one for me (for a few reason's I'm not going to mention). I'd also consider Australia, Scotland (paternal grandfather), England (majority of my heritage)... and possibly other European nations (especially Holland because we Canadians are liked there, and I may have some Dutch blood in me from my mother's side).
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I currently live in the US. I would pick based on either languages I speak (English and German), the fact that I like cold weather, or my interest in the place I'd be living. Here's a list:













-Czech Republic

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I live in Florida but i would love to go to finland, couse its beautiful there and a lot of the bands i like are from there.



-The 69 eyes

i would also like to go to romainia(?)

couse of castle dracula

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  rbrophy2 said:
i need constant 80- 110 degree weather with humidity so brazil ecudor somewhere 'round there

(I live in virginia and its 60 out you know how cold that is?)(Fareinheit by the way)

i know this contradicts what i said above but i want to live in svalbard(small islands northwest of russia owned by norway) near the sea and trees and live the way my norse ancesters did or brazil

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I plan on staying right where I am, in the Pacific Northwest in the great U.S of A.

I went to Canada a few years ago, came in contact with a few rude individuals who called me a filthy American.

I bathed that day....then I realized they were pissed cause I have the nerve to drive a full size SUV.

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