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Spose it's not dead...


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I bought Morrowind almost when it first came out. When I got home I installed it (as is the "norm"). Well it ran like a turtle and looked like my sister so I uninstalled it and threw it on the "Yet to be Played" shelf of space taking-up +5. Then a week ago I bought oodles of DDR SDRAM and now I can play every game I own better then my brother can smoke weed.


So to test the limits of my shiny new RAM I grabbed the game that worked the worst on my comp from the time I call the "Post-My-RAM-kicks-arse era", which was Morrowind.


Now I'm obsessed with Morrowind more then my mom is obsessed with buying hundreds of dollers on tropical crap we don't need becouse "It's about to go out of style". So after all the time inbetween when I bought Morrowind and now, I figured any fourms still open would be void of new posts, or only have 4 people that chatter about the nudey mod and the like. Guess I was wrong.


About me: I'm a 16 year old male that fully belives the world is my oyster, but has all ready eaten at Pizza Hut so will lay down and take a nap instead.


Pet peves: The term "Needless to say". If it's needless to say then you don't have to say it, so DON'T SAY IT!!!! Swearing, I HATE when people swear. People that over use capitilizing words. Anybody that refuses to at least listen to what other's opinions are. And my last pet peve that I'll wast you're time with is: Anybody under the maturity level of myself.


Things I like: Finding ways to insult stupid people, looking at my meger sword collection, having philosofical discussions with people, games, and pretending I'm going to be succsesfull at stuff.


The thought going through my head right now: *I like red, but not pink. Purple is nice, but I'll never say it is. Green and yellow get annoying. Screw it, I'm getting getting more beef jerky.* End Thinking.


Well if you're still reading my piontless post you get a virtual doller. It's redemable at any store that still sells XFL merchendise (I.E. The money is usless).

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hello and welcome to this forum. i'm sure you'll find plenty of people here to still talk about the great game that is morrowind. oh and if you like to have philosophical talks, why not check out the debates forum while you're here? it could be fun for you.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The only thing about Morrowind and dying that can be paired is when you off some of those annoying cliff racers.


Welcome to the forums too, we'll get along just fine cause I too love to basque in the glory that is insulting stupid people to the extent that they don't understand you but everyone else around them does :)

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