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New Weapon Models You'd Like to See in Game


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I would love to see the weapon from X/1999 manga the Shinken (Sword of Kamui, Divine Sword) be made into the game. It would be a killer ultimate arcane mage two handed weapon. This link has some pictures. I would also like to see some final fantasy weapons in as well. I would like to atleast see Genesis's sword in it along with Nelo Angelo's (or Nero Angelo which ever you prefer).
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I would love to see someone take a crack at Stormbringer.


(For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, Stormbringer was the black soul devouring greatsword of Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone. Actually a powerful demon imprisoned in the shape of a sword, Stormbringer consumed the souls of its victims, transferring part of their life-energies to Elric.)


In practical terms for modders, Stormbringer would be a black, rune carved greatsword that gives off a black light. It would have some serious lifetap capabilities as well as strength and endurance bonuses.


There has to be another Elric fan out there who could mod this sword!

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I would love to see the weapon from X/1999 manga the Shinken (Sword of Kamui, Divine Sword) be made into the game. It would be a killer ultimate arcane mage two handed weapon. This link has some pictures. I would also like to see some final fantasy weapons in as well. I would like to atleast see Genesis's sword in it along with Nelo Angelo's (or Nero Angelo which ever you prefer).



I own all the books man ^.^, I hadnt considerd Stormbringer though Hmmm Might have to get a few permisions but ill have a whack at making somthing apropriat.

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Hello, i was hopeing someone could make the hawkes spear/sword thing from the trailer so players could use it :D well what im not sure about is what kinda type it would be couse its light so the great sword animations would be very slow for it and a sword wouldnt be very good couse its a 2-handed weapon... Ofcourse if its possible to speed up the animations that would be good too :D (The greatsword anims i mean) im nuby to modding so ... Well anyway if someone could make it it would be awesome :D




Yeah.. sorry this is the best one i could find in the trailer or on the web ... if Anyone finds clearer images please post 'em here :) thank you


(By the way i didnt find any same posts with the search function so if it was already posted please somehow notify me or something :) )

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would like to see maces, more maces. i wanna dual wield them and just crack some skulls tried doing it on my first play through and there were soo few good ones available it broke my heart. diverse shapes and weights would be nice. like mauls but shorter, never figured out why someone didnt just truncate the shafts on mauls and reinsert them as maces.... meh... more maces =)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see some katanas. I know it doesn't fit the lore particularly well, though I suppose you could say they were elven. Anyway, one of my favorite katanas was always the one from the first Highlander movie:



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zariche from lineage 2 (Might be posted already sorry bout it if it is)


edit: also draconic bow



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