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Sneaking and standing


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I didn't see this one anywhere, and I think it is possible.

I always wondered why it is so necessary to crouch if you want to be unseen. This just ruins immersion when I roleplay Hitman in Fallout 3. :O And besides, it would be cool, right? :D

I don't have the skills, nono. I can barely change some weapon stats with GECK.

Anyone else? :happy:

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It's an interesting scripting issue, and one that I'm not too sure about (haven't tried it yet). There is a bug in SetForceSneak that allows you to be in sneak mode without having to appear to be sneaking. You have to attach the script to a token or something like that, and I'm not sure it will actually give you sneak mode.


If the above fails, then it's an animation issue, and few people are really qualified to discuss that. I think animation is a little beyond what I want to get into.

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If i remember sneak is hardcoded to only work when in sneak mode and cant be changed. go in game activate a stealth boy and walk around not in sneak and you will be seen by all even though your invisible. At least that's what i had read a while back.
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