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What is this?


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In this screenshot from Tesnexus in particular (though I've seen it in a few other screenshots as well), I saw some strange crimson-colored bar on the Oblivion HUD, that I never actually see in game, and I was wondering what it was...




It would be the bottom one of the four FYI...

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In this screenshot from Tesnexus in particular (though I've seen it in a few other screenshots as well), I saw some strange crimson-colored bar on the Oblivion HUD, that I never actually see in game, and I was wondering what it was...




It would be the bottom one of the four FYI...



WTF is that? We got health magicka stamina and ????

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WTF is that? We got health magicka stamina and weapon health?
As in, how long before the weapon breaks. A very helpful little bar, IMO. Granted, that might not be what it is, but that's what my money is on, considering a LOT of UI mods add one into the game (like I said before, I.I. does, just not on the inventory menu like that)


EDIT: Hmm, just realized you might have been responding to the pic without reading the other posts, and my answer to your question might simply be answering a question that doesn't exist?

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It could be:


1) Enemy Health (Like in morrowind)


2) Weapon Health


3) Companion Health (Darian's capable companions has something similar)


4) Karma Bar


5) Completion Bar


6) Flamethrower Overheat bar (You Never Know)


7) Super Magicka Bar


8) Some Bar to confuse people in screen shots


9) Armour Bar


10) Number of coupons used until you get a free sword bar


11) Oxygen content to Carbon Dioxide Ratio Bar


12) Temperature Bar


13) Bar of how many times you have killed a man, brought him back to life so you could kill him with his own weapon bar


14) That wierd bar at the bottom of the screen


15) the amount of time left before the new TES comes out Bar


16) Something to do with Fallout Bar


17) Something Else Bar




1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, & 17, are the most likely candidates

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