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Strange new texture glitch.


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I was recently traversing the northern wastes when I noticed this strange bug.




It seems as if the 'distance texture' for larger rocks and bolders has been replaced with some sort of ugly, rusted metal skeleton akin to the textures of old cars and boats. This texture remains until I get close enough to it, where it then fades into the standard rock texture. Nevertheless, this is incredibly unsightly, especially in the NW part of the map, and appears even when the game is set to medium quality and medium resolution.


This has never happened before, but I do use mods so I think we have the culpret right there. However, now there's the matter of fixing it. Any suggestionsi



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If I'm missing an important texture/mesh for vanilla, as in it was replaced or deleted somehow, what is the easiest way to get it back?


It's unlikely that happened unless you extracted the textures from the .bsa files & then deleted the .bsa files.


IMO what would be more likely is that the texture is being overridden by a mod's texture in which case you would need to get rid of the offending texture.


that or it could just be some game engine wackiness & there isn't really a fix for it.


BTW what is the scope mod you're using?

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