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I have no Dragons & Immersive Armors Glitch


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Total noob here. I've been running Immersive Armors for a while now and all of the sudden I'm getting missing textures on some of the pieces but not all. Also the Immersive Armors Configured message keeps flashing. I read how to fix that but really can't go back to a save before install like it suggests. I'm currently trying a fresh install of Immersive Armors but I doubt that will help.


Also I have no dragons. I have the Live Another Life mod and the rebuild Helgen mod and I assume that's the conflict somewhere. I see no way to start main quest. If I uninstall rebuild Helgen will I see the main quest?


Also all the sudden I'm getting more CTD too many mods? When I started I subscribed to a lot through Steam and I can't even tell what some are form the Data file options anymore.

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Um CTD: I would get a memory patch "SSME" or the SKSE one.

Live another life gives you another quest to start the main quest line.

My best bet would delete the mods from Steam Workshop if you don't want them. (Can be done easily threw the skyrim launcher)

As most mods on Steam Workshop are on nexus only a few are on Steam Workshop that aren't on Nexus

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Hey, so do you have wyre bash? and tes5edit? is it the helgan reborn mod you have? I have that mod and live another life and immersive armours. the immersive armours might need cleaning and a bashed patch. with the helgan thing, make sure you go to helgan before you start the helgan reborn mod. and kill the bandits as well as wait for alduin to fly by which is a part of the live another life mod. the cleaning and bashed patch should help with ctds and use BOSS as well. Also get rid of all mods from steam and just use nexus, it makes things easier.

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When you install wyre bash (skyrim) it looks at all your mods and then you can build a batched patch which combines a bunch of your mods together, like if you have multiple armour mods and creatures mods that may conflict, this patch makes them all one plugin which really helps stabilize your game

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