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Mothership Zeta, Missing Sally


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Something stupid happened to me when i enter in mothership zeta. When i fight with Somah to call gards atention then we go on and then i enter in other cell block and a quest update appear that says to Free Sally from the cell block, and i look in all closed cell blocks and all cells were empty so i walked around and find a thing to do and something exploded and all cells were open i search around and sally is missing...then i search in the net by this problem and i find nothing but people who have problems with sally more in front in MZ...i back to the game and start to test commands like player.moveto "sallyID" and someone guess where i went to?


To my Megaton house, sally was just outside my house talking about blowing up something.


Then i load the game back to my cell block did all again and sally doesnt showed up again, then i try player.placeatme "sallyID" and sally did appear and start runing like hell i tried to talk to her but nothing and she enter in a hole to open the door but nothing happens...


Someone has a fix for these or some other trick to pass these? I need help please!


Ive tried to Load a older savegame outside the MZ and went to my Underground Hideout and wait 4 dyas and let spawning to restart but didnt work too...:(


Sorry for my english

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Hi, thanks for the tip but, the problem persisted, then i use tcl to pass through the door and then sally started to talk and help and when i rescue the people i cant open the Cryo Lab door and i cant talk to sally who has the objective point...i think this is the problem who people talked about all over the internet...
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i had the same bug. I find that after about 3-4 hours of play from a new game sally randomly finds me in the dc wastes, first it was the superduper mart and next time was at gnr radio building.anyhow, she finds me and says the old 'hey are you escaping too? i can be real usful blah blah". This is oviously a bad bug. to try and get around this bug, i tried loading a slightly earlyer save before she shows up in the waste and from there go to straight to zeta, but then, inside zeta, as you described, sally is no where around :(

at the moment im trying earlier saves to see if i can find the point that it buggered up for me this time round, but the first time, i found the way to fix was to make zeta the first thing that you do on a new game, get it out the way then then on in it should be fine...touchwood...

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You guys can probaly fix this. Don't use the placeatme command as this spawns a new copy of sally. Tha't why you have two.


Load an earlier save from before you ever entered any console commands. Play the quest up until you get to the point that you don't find sally. If you know where she is supposed to be, go there. If you don't look at this:




Once you get to where she is supposed to be type this into the console:


prid 05000987

moveto player


Of course this requires that MZ is #6 in your load order, if its not, you have to change the first to digits of the form ID to match the load order of MZ in your game. The load order can be seen in FOMM.

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