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Need help with a (hopefully) minor modification...


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I just downloaded Unique Uniques because I love the new look of Dragonbane. I then downloaded Two-Handed Vanilla Katanas because I prefer the look of the swords when sheathed on your back rather than at your hip. The Problem is that I was hoping that the Unique Uniques Dragonbane look would override the default look when used in conjunction with Two-Handed Katanas, but it didn't. They still look like the vanilla Blade's Swords.


So how would I go about making the two-handed Dragonbane this mod gives me look like the dragonbane from Unique Uniques? I'm afraid I don't know anything about modding Skyrim as all the mods I've installed were installed through the Nexus Mod Manager, so I just have no idea at all where'd I'd find textures or models or anything I might need for this. I would hope it would just be a matter of replacing the original model and textures with the new ones in some folder somewhere, but I really have no idea...


EDIT: Never mind, just discovered that what I want already exists.

Edited by RicAdbur
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