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The Master Of Zooz


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OOC> No problem butting in, sorry i wasn't around to post earlier. Hope it's allright for me to do a bit in the past tense?


Áni placed himself at a spot on the boardwalk where he got the best overall view of the beach, but in the open enough that most people would have to walk past him to get near T'skar. He wore a "permanent" scowl on his and his eyes gleamed with a willingness to injure if not kill anyone that made a wrong move. He seemed to play the part of a bodyguard quite well, if a little overzealous. Though he secretly wished he had something to keep the harsh sun out of his eyes.


Áni glanced suspiciously at anyone that came within a hundred feet of him, and stared down whoever was ignorant or oblivious enough to come closer. He stared silently at the flunkey for a long moment, letting him sweat from the heat as well as fear. When Kalmer took the little fop off his hands he nodded gratefully, and returned to his job of guarding the lady and looking intimidating.

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Aldhelm quietly watches the goings on and waits for Kalmer's signal to pull out the thickened anti-fatigue potion and rubbing it onto T'Skar's face. He tries to make what he is doing noticeable by putting his back to Sagrami's servants who obviously are trying to figure out what he is doing.
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Nothing appears to be happening. But the flunkey returns to the Ranee and after a little while one of Arminder's companions leaves for the boardwalk. She stops briefly by the old woman as she passes. After a while the flunkey returns to Kalmer and presents the Ranee's card.


"My mistress is willing to receive the Lady Taskara at three this afternoon. Informal attire is quite acceptable."


The time now is just before midday.

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Kalmer nods courteously to the envoy, and then to the Ranee, and heads over to T'Skar. After a brief murmuring between them, he returns and says, "Lady Taskara will be delighted to accept the Ranee's invitation. Should we make our own way, or will your good lady send an escort?"
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The flunkey gives a disdainful smirk. "It must be very different in Kolokon. There are no rascals here." He points to a grand turretted mansion close to the beach just behind the hotel.


A servant from one of the families bumps into Ani and in apologising asks where he is from.


The young woman summons a flunkey and Aldhelm is faced with someone asking if he knows about protection from solar rays.


A girl child from the other family is peering intently at T'skar. "Are you really dead?" she asks her.


Tiak finds a youth of great beauty and uncertain sexuality asking what time he finishes work. The youth appears to be associated with the all male group.

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Kalmer glances sidelong at Áni, with a hint of both satisfaction and caution. He is pleased at the Barbarian's ability to remain concentrated on the job in hand, but wary that his response to the servant's question might raise unwanted questions. All the while, he is keeping an ever-watchful eye out for any sign of wrong-doing amongst this sudden spate of apparent confusion. "A courtier's work is never done, child." He says to Tiax's admirer. "Though any brief periods of repose are conceded at the whim of Lady Taskara."




(ooc> awaitng responses from others)

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After he finishes applying T'SKar's potion, Aldhelm turns to the flunkey with a disdained look, "Of course I know about solar rays. This cream protects from that and other forces as well. How else do you think I and the other court wizards conceived and developed this anti-aging potion? We can't have milady looking 200, now can we?"
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OOC> I emailed tiax today with a transcript of the posts since December at his request. He says he'll email a response so we may want to wait for a day before moving on (it's quite a chunk to read).


On topic


The flunkeys return to their respective groups. The father of the family group rises and leaves the beach with a frown at Ani.


The girl's servant returns and requests of Aldhelm a price to purchase a small pot of the cream.


The child in it's naive way says to t'skar. "My mama says that people over 100 years old are all dead, so you must be a spirit!"


At that moment the mother appears ostensibly to collect her errant daughter. She gives the Lady Taskara a smile of the 'sorry about that but you know children' type and a very penetrating stare before taking her daughter away.


Quite how the information has been disseminated so quickly when no one appeared to be listening is not apparent but then as they say in Bashkher 'secrets have wings'.

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