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The Master Of Zooz


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T'skar pats her hand, sending a calming spell to her with the contact, "There there, I'm sure it's all ancient history. Why don't you join me? There don't seem to be any other customers at the moment." She pulls a chair out for the unsettled soul.
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The woman sits.


"Isn't it strange how just thinking of something horrible can give you palpitations. Nothing's happened in generations and yet... If anyone emerged from those walls we'd kill them first and ask questions afterwards. But it is surely long deserted. And in any case, there is no way in."


The influence is calming the woman and talking out her fears make them seem unfounded too.


"I don't know much about ruins. I have been to the Star Temple at Lopor. That's truly amazing but it's not a ruin - just very old. I hope you didn't come here specially to see the castle, you'll have had a wasted journey I'm afraid."

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Esha raises her eyes in surprise of Mac and begins to proceed outside ahead of him....Stopping short as she feels the hair on the back of her neck stand..she recognizes it as someone using magick nearby. Esha turns and sees one of the others talking to a local woman. She sees her reach out and stoke the local woman and realizes a calming spell was used.


Esha narrows her eyes at this use of magick. Her upbringing teaches her it is wrong to charm someone. However her more practical side knows that this may be a good way to get information. She nods her head at Mac and then toward their traveling companion and she takes a seat at the table beside the two in order to overhear the conversation.

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The woman brings a heavy sweet white wine made from something you do not recognise, pointing out that their wines are brought from the mainland and so are more expensive than locally brewed ale and spirits. Food is limited to various forms of fish with vegetables. When you have ordered she leaves you while the food is cooked.


The food is quickly prepared and smells delicious. The wine is rather like drinking highly intoxicating sugar syrup and might not please everyone.


The woman waits to see if you have further requests/questions.

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I don't normally give hints but at least one of you is new to role playing so I'll make this one exception.


You have arrived on the island because The Child of Healing is said to be there. He is clearly not known in the village. The rest of the island is said to be uninhabited. The central grassy area is empty because of horrible events that happened in the past and by association with whatever came from the other side of the curtain wall. You have been told there is no way through the wall but something or things obviously did get out. The serving woman refers to 'the castle' as a ruin but it did not appear rto be ruined on your viewing prior to your arrival. You have been told anyone emerging from the curtain wall would be killed on sight although there can be no one there now. Some of that does not hold together even though the women you spoke to are not lying.


You can get a bit more info out of the villagers but you should also be planning the next move too.

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ooc> I was waiting to see what my "traveling companions" were going to do, as some of them seem to be able to sense everything that goes on. I really must be the worst magic user ever, everyone knows when I cast a spell :)


ic> T'skar looks sceptically at the two new arrivals, wondering why they didn't continue whatever it was they were doing outside. Turning back to the waitress she asks, "What are these events that happened so long ago, and yet seem to consume your very lives still?" in as compassionate a voice as she can muster.

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