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The Master Of Zooz


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"We are not here to hurt your boy..." mac takes a look at the boy and the women


"Your boy is an impressive lad, extraordinary, why would we seek to harm him anyway... We saw him trying to climb up the cliff and we wanted to help him anyway possible..."


Mac takes a look at the woman and wonders if she is invulnerable like him, and with the bolt that destroyed the boat, if they do something stupid, they will fry where they stand...

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Esha bows to the woman and feels her magic crawl upon her skin like hundreds of spiders. Esha has never felt anything like it.

"Indeed we have not come here to harm anyone. Your son is sweet and determined. We only wished to help him."

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Thw woman looks at you and particularly at the silent T'skar. She turns to mac.


"Do not think to harm me. I control Death itself. And even should you be invulnerable I am sure a considerable amount of discomfort could be arranged. My name is Damiel. You did not come here by boat simply to view the uninteresting cliffs. As you have not given the true reason for your arrival here I cannot trust you. Nevertheless I do not believe you will harm Auriel. As my husband has destroyed your means of escape I have no alternative other than to allow you into my home. But how you will be able to leave, I have no idea."


She calls up. "Auran there are five of them. We will have to find them a way off."


She sends Auriel up the rope ladder and then each of you. A tall forbidding old man barefoot and wearing a brown robe scowls at you. He does not allow any conversation but sets off quickly into a small ruined chapel. Stairs lead down into a veritable maze of corridors and rooms. These certainly cover all of the north eastern part of the island. Stairs up and down tell of multiple levels. But the whole place is dismal and deserted. The walls are wet and slimy with mould. The doors to the rooms have mostly rotted away showing them to be empty even of vermin. And yet every passageway is lit by torches that send flickering shadows dancing along the walls.


It is a place of sadness and despair, a place of lost hope.


You emerge into the house where Auran takes you into a sitting room. The table and chairs are twisted black ebony with backs and seats embrodered in colourful flame stitch. The chairs are placed around the sides of the room at precise intervals. In the centre of the table is a huge very formal arrangement of fresh flowers in a green celadon bowl. Other than for the flowers the room is devoid of ornament.


Auran brings a drink of soured milk and some bread and biscuits.


The silence is uncomfortable.


Auriel has been staring at you with interest. He suddenly says, "I can show you the tunnels if you like. It'll be much more fun exploring them with real people."


Damiel shushes him. "You may sleep in the tower tonight while we think of what to do with you. Should you find time to humour my son's whim I shall not object but be back here before evening. Auriel must be in bed not long after sundown. Auriel, show these visitors where they may sleep."


Auriel leads you to the top floor of the tower where there are two rooms each large enough to sleep three.


"Will you come and see the tunnels?" He asks.

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"I believe we should accept their kind offer of hospitality and of course an opportunity to explore the tunnels could be interesting." Esha stated to the others in a low voice.
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"We should stay here for now, and I don't mind exploring the tunnels, we might actually find something interesting.": Ritz says while thinking to herself;*This place is far too void not to contain any secrets*. She then replies:"We also might be able to leave here, if I go buy us a boat from the city. I simply don't think that the shipmaster would be too willing to rent us a new one considering the fate that last one had. However, we should first see what we can find on this island."
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OOC> New arrivals should be sure to read ALL posts since the group arrived on the island.


On topic.


It appears you have several choices at the moment and you can do more than one by splitting up. Auriel is eager to show you the tunnels. Auran and Damiel are in the house and can be talked to. You might also explore the tunnels alone or even try exploring the area inside the walls above ground. (However you might save yourselves time by asking what is there first.) Then again you know little about the building you are in except that it is a smallish manor house with a tower attached. You have seen only the sitting room in the manor and the stairs leading to your accommodation in the tower.


Presumably Auriel has a decent knowledge of the layout of the place and where his parents might be found and what they are doing. If there is going to be any kind of communal meal that might offer a chance to talk to the parents.


A few quick questions should get you enough info to make an informed decision.

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