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The Master Of Zooz


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Ritz quickly rips her left sleeve away, wraps it around an arrow, sets it on fire and aims it at the lichdames rotting parts while still moving backwards. Ritz says;"If this doesn't have any effect, I don't know what will, it should at the least keep us informed of how close this thing is when we're retreating. Mac or Esha, can either one of you lead us the hell out of here? I feel something apart from this lichdame is also wrong with this place."


*Ritz is thinking to herself that the way back has somehow changed or been blocked, she just can't quite grasp what she thinks is wrong, while hoping that it's just her imagination. She decides to keep a sharp eye on her surroundings while fleeing.*

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The way back is straight into the lichdame. You are however aware that the tunnels are a grid pattern so right, right and right again will get you back to the stairs to level one. But can you remember how you reached the stairs in level one?


Parts of the lichdame fall away on fire but they simply regenerate before your eyes. (Or would if you had time to look rather than run.)

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(OOC-> I'm gonna be gone for 3 days on Thursday. But other than that, I'll be here! :yes: )


Druce yells back at the group, "Well, are we going to do something, or are we going to just stand here all day?!" he grunts with effort, holding the wall of light between them and the abomination, for the time being.

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If you do not move you face certain death. The tunnels are in a grid pattern so it will not be difficult to return to the stairs and regain the upper floor. At present you do not know whether or not the lychdame is confined by location.
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"Follow me, damn Mac takes too long with the map. I'm pretty confident I remember the route."; Ritz shouts when starting to dash without looking back. First takes a turn to the right, takes another turn right when coming to first the corner, and again a right turn on the next corner, coming to right behind the lichdame. Then a quick dash up the stairs on the left, running along the wall and climbing up the next set of stairs and heads towards the exit.


OOC>Well, I'm hoping I didn't jump over too many steps with this post. :whistling: Just say if you need something changed.

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