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The Master Of Zooz


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Baba spends the afternoon with Ara and Gnaag Behind the stables where they shoot at hay bales.


He also checks on their bows to see how they can be modified. Both bows can be made to come apart but will sacrifice a little on length and strength.


At about five o’clock they head back to the Honeycomb Heaven to wash for supper after Baba has gotten screws for the bows from the farrier. He’ll convert the bows this evening.


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"My bow? You are going to modify the bow you gave me? Wasn't I good on the training. I really like that bow. It is the best I have ever had. Can I ask you what exactly you are going to do with it?"


Gnaag was really disappointed with the new situation. His new got bow was his only real property he liked. And Baba... Horrible. But when it was really necessary.

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Once breakfasted and watered for the morning, Sael Arrages sandwiches for the group and head off toward the temple (with any others who are going), he whistles tunelessly as he walks there.


"My that is a spectacular statue", He'll look around to see if there are any clerics/priests about.

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Kalmer pounds 3 times on the great door to the museum, thinking that if he rings again they will have to waut another 15 minutes.




"We come about the Sword!" He booms. "Just a few moments of your time, Sir!"




(ooc- If there is no reply at all, he rings again...)

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"Oh thank you Baba. I am sorry of my behaviour. This state of bow seems much better."


Gnaag took it and tried the string and the wood. The joints were perfect. It was really fine. Gnaag was becoming impatient to try it in action. Real action.


"So the bows are a done and what are we going to do now. I am fed up with sitting here and waiting for others. I don't think we have so much time to idle."

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ooc> this only happens if there is no reply


on topic>

T'skar gently reaches out her hand as Kalmer reaches to ring the bell again, stopping him. She then whispers for his ears only "Lets talk this over, over there, out of the way." Turning, she heads down one of the alleys.


ooc> is there anywhere here where we can't be seen?

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As the day was spent practicing the art of the bow, Ara began to get a feel for it. Aena watched overhead as she shot arrow after arrow into the bush. She was learning the quick snap of the wrist. She felt like such a novice training with Gnaag. She had no bad feelings for the kid but it was just that. He was a kid...even though they were about the same age, she felt as if she could be his mother. It was an odd feeling. It was the experiance that set them apart. Ara went on her first mission at 18 and was a proficient scout at 20. She just felt... older.


After the practice Ara relunctantly gave her bow to Baba. It was such a beautiful thing. She hoped he wouldn't ruin it. She liked the way the string twanged when she released it. Eventually he returned it. She carefully studied it and found that it looked much more lethal. It looked as if it was meant for killing people... not animals. She tested the string and it was much harder to pull back. The color had changed. It was now white. Ara beamed with pleasure.


It goes with my hair.


Looking up from the bow, she happily thanked Baba for the modifications and his time. She felt ready to face to oncoming troubles. For there were always troubles.

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At the museum, the Old Man opens the door a crack. "Are you deaf. I said it's closed. It's always closed. Hehehe!"


He slams the door again.


There is pure malevolence in his voice. There will be no reasoning with him.


At the temple Sael has no more luck than the others. There is no one else there.


OOC> There is nowhere in the Honeycomb where you cannot be seen. It is why there is no crime in Dohoti.

At present the rest of you will have to kick your heels unless Kalmer and t'skar decide to come back and ask for your help. This part of the quest may take them some time so start training or something. I have suggested before that splitting up is best avoided where possible. To get you all involved I suggest Kalmer and t'skar go back to report lack of success. Then you can all go to the museum but it is up to you.

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As it is nearing six o’clock, Baba heads back to the Arms of Dohoti, to meet the others for supper.


He enters and orders himself a glass of wine. He sits back lights his pipe and contemplates Oblivion.


Should he tell the others, that he has become addicted to it, or should he fight it alone? :blush:


Time will tell..........................................................but the bliss of losing yourself, for hours on end.

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