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The Master Of Zooz


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OOC> Your sig is getting a bit large titanania, any chance you could make it smaller maybe by placing the boxes beside each other?


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Face is waiting outside the walls of the compound. You are currently outside one of the buildings but not the wall that surrounds the hill.


It is late afternoon.

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OOC> Srry bout that, this better?


"Face, do you know where I might be able to either harvest or buy some herbs for my alchemy stocks? The reserves I have are getting low and I was wondering if someone in town sold them."

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"Not at all, friend Aldhelm!" Says Kalmer reassuringly. "I was merely remarking that our general direction should be towards our lodgings, rather than the temple, for the time being. Feel free to stop off at any shops or stands along the way, that you should find of interest."
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You meet up with Face outside the walls of the compound and make your way back to the lodging. On the way at Aldhelm's request you pass through the fresh food market. It is closing down for the day but four barrows are still present. They are looked after by children in their early teens.


One sells the heads of flowers - marigolds, daisies etc; one has brightly coloured spices - turmeric, red peppers, ground coriander; a third has fresh herbs and the fourth vegetables. The meat market closed much earlier owing to the heat of the day.


(OOC> Aldhelm should say what he needs and I will tell him if it is available at the moment.)


Back at the lodging you hear Nikishastra has slept for most of the afternoon but is awake now and happy to talk. "I won't be able to tell you the whole story in one go. It is too long. But you must learn of Zander and his 'colleagues' now."


Nikishastra settles himself. Face brings him, and you, a cold yoghurt-like drink and a small plate of almond paste sweetmeats.


"Zander was a mage in El Rhun when I was there. He and two others who studied at different schools became allies. Zander studied life, which is how I knew him, but his friends were from the schools of death and fire."


Nikishastra pauses to eat one of the sweets.


"They were interested in attaining immortality, making no secret of it. They apparently needed a fourth for some reason and approached me. I was not interested but in the discussions I formed the impression that there was a figure behind them, instructing them what to do. When I refused they looked for another and finally found Wremellion. He however was not as eager to be involved in their experiments as they had at first thought. But I am not sure that is relevant."


Another sweet is devoured.


"Wizards live a very long time but these men were already old even in wizard terms. So they found a way to cheat death - at least for a while. I think the information came from this shadowy mentor figure. Anyway, each built a mausoleum in which their bodies could lie in a state of suspended animation. In addition they learned an arcane ritual of rebirth through fire. Well, they called it rebirth but it was not. They produced babies that were exact copies of themselves. The mentor took over the tutoring of these children so that they would continue the work Zander and his friends had been doing."


Nikishastra sighs and shakes his head.


"I know about it because Wremellion became very drunk one night and told me. He did not want to join them but felt he had to, it might need him to destroy their plans at a later date and if anyone could he would need to be on the inside. The others had indeed already produced their 'children' some years before. Wremellion had resisted the idea but saw in the end he had to be seen to agree. His 'child' was called Daro. Daro was younger than his 'brothers' of course."


The old man drinks his yoghurt.


"I'm afraid my memory is not so good for names any more. One of the brothers was Bors I think but it must be unimportant because these children will by now have undergone the right again and been 'reborn' with new names. To find out who they are it is only necessary to seek out the most depraved. Certainly they will not all be in Bashkher, in fact none may be. But I have a suspicion that one was, at least once. His name, if I am right, was Ruhir."


Nikishastra rubs his chin.


"I will need to keep a bit of voice to answer any questions you may have, so the story of Akitaron will have to wait until the morning. But I will add this. Zander went to Akitaron, shortly before he left for his secure tomb. His evil had attracted one of the Knights I told you about before. Learning Zander's wherabouts, the knight and with it the sword you are interested in, went to Akitaron too."


He smiles. "It is a lot to assimilate. I am sure you may have questions or need me to explain things in more detail. Just remember there are four mages entombed but still living and probably able to appear in this world for short periods. There will have been their four 'children' who must by now have passed on. And there will be the current four. The unknown controller may still be in the picture but who can say."

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Stopping at each of the stalls, Aldhelm looks through their wares.


At the first, he is quite overwhelmed by the smells and colors of the flowers compared to the dry and arid landscape he was raised in. He selects some daises for their bright yellow color and pays the girl working the stall. He also inquires to the availability of snapdragons and Avelys flowers.


At the spice stall, he inquires to the availability of garlic and perhaps cloves.


When he enters the herb stall, he recognizes a great many of the wares in the stall but knows he can't purchase all of them. He selects some lamb's ear, the moisture this plant hold makes it a good base for potions. He then asks the girl if perhaps she has some water cress, the strong fibers in this plant make it increase the length of effects in a potion. Lastly he inquires if she has any porphyry leaves, reading material beans, or quinsettia.


At the vegetable stall, he recognizes very few items. He doesn't know many uses for these items and picks some of the smaller ones simply to have them.

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Snapdragons are available, the girl has never heard of the Avelys and asks what it is for. When told it is the deadliest poison known to humanity she gives you a startled look.


"These flowers are for making chains or throwing at weddings or offerings at shrines. We don't stock poisons. You can find a man who specialises in exterminating rats in the old centre. He will have poisons I expect."


The girl seems pleased when you move away. The boy with spices has cloves but garlic is classed as a vegetable and can be bought from the girl on the next stall.


The boy who sells herbs is lame. He is knowledgeable of the uses of herbs. Quinsettia, a pain killer, is available. reading material beans, used for making a salve to put on cuts and bruises, is out of season but he offers witch hazel and arnica instead.


"Porphyry leaves are too expensive to be found here. There is an apothecary in the Beach Palace hotel that may stock them. There is nothing better for cooling a fever but a little vinegar and water is almost as effective."

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