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The Master Of Zooz


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"What relevance, praytell, have the statues in this affair?" Asks Kalmer inquisitively. "And do you mean to say that there have been, shall we say, unnatural occurrences here in the Temple? What can you tell us of this?"
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OOC -> sorry for not posting and looking up but I haven't had acces to my laptop for a while..


Tiax and companion(s?) return to the group for the tendant seems unwilling to say more.


"Well that seemed to be a waste of time..."


As they return to the group Tiax walks up to Baba.


"You seem to feel a bit out, are you allright?"

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You have enough of the day left (depending on what you find in the lowest level of the Temple) to investigate it immediately if you are properly equipped.


If you have adequate torches and weapons there is no time like the present.

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"I assume no one will interfere with our entering via the beach, but...can we set up a secure perimeter inside the entrance? We could conceal ourselves, I suppose, but I see two problems with that: first, we don't know whether whatever is in there is susceptible to such tricks, and second, I hope you agree, is that we can't allow any...things to exit."
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"Unless these things are from Tagfier they won't be able to overcome the conceal, it's a local magic to the Wanders' there. As for one of our mages, who are the target of someone's interest, staying at the back of the group, I don't think that's wise. Our first priority is light, anyway. Do we have any torches, and if not, where can we get some? Any ideas? I'm not sure we just want to go asking in the market, but Face may be able to dig some up for us, if we need to spend the time. As for an order upon entering - I could do a little scouting and trap detecting, so should likely go first; then have Ari and Baba-Baresh flanking me; Tiax and Aldhelm behind them (yes, I realize you have fire magic Aldhelm, but this is just a proposal, subject to change); then Kalmer and Kyto could bring up the rear. Baba, do you and Kalmer still have your Swords? Who knows how they may come in handy." T'skar waits for answers.
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