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The Master Of Zooz


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OOC -> I'm just waiting till I know everyone or the majority atleast knows what happened..
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OOC> is Aldhelm still in the lead?


As you move a little further towards the room you see it is filled with skeletons. You count ten of them. One stands sentinel at the front armed with a very unpleasant looking sword. Slightly behind him, and flanking him, are two skeletons wielding maces that crackle with magic. Then comes a row of three skeletons armed with bows and arrows. The remaining skeletons form a near solid blockade at the back. They have magical staves.


There appears to be something odd about the wall they are standing in front of.

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OOC> Sorry about the extended absence. getting settled after moving back home from the dorm took longer than I thought. I was around but you brainiacs had all of the ridddles beat before I read them. I can be in the lead but I assumed I wasn't because of the fight with the other skeleton.


Aldhelm upon seeing the skeletons takes a stronger grip of his staff and begins loosening the bonds that grip the power to his gem. He has a feeling that he will be needing it. But the wall the skeletons are standing in front of seems very queer and Aldhelm looks for what makes the wall seem so odd.

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occ> it seems our order is:

1. Aldhelm

2. T'skar

3. Kalmer

4. Tiax

5. Kyto

6. Baba

7. Ani

(OOC -> I presume that we didn't change order.)


"Keep ready Aldhelm, skeletons look like nothing but can be a pain."


Tiax said to Aldhelm three places in front of him


" -However,"


Tiax added.


"there is something odd, for now don't attack."


Indeed, there was something odd, they had a formation that you'd use to attack, yet they stood there. Perfectly still. If anything Tiax saw a bowling alley in it.

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Áni looks at the skeletons curiously, he had been part of such a formation more than once. It worked better when all the soldiers had shields to help solidify the formation, yet not one skeleton had a shield.


Even if Ani was fully equipped he couldn't fight all of the skeletons, he played many scenarios through in his head, if they all attacked they might win with the element of surprise. But no matter how many different tactics he thought he could see no way of someone getting injured, if not killed. His mind finally turned to distractions, but for a distraction to work properly the rest of the group had to know how to obtain their goal. Perhaps it wasn't so important he came out of this dungeon alive...


Though his mind was racing, Áni only seemed to sigh and check his knife.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The stones are heavy but move surprisingly easily and Ani has to move them carefully to stop them rolling immediately down the shallow slope. However it is clear that he is unlikey to have more than one chance before the skeletons catch on and dodge any missiles aimed at them. The one chance could therefore be crucial. It will all be in the angle. Where does he wish to aim?
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The floor is smooth but where the tunnel debouches into the main room is a very slight rightward curve on the left side of the tunnel. Anything touching the left wall at that point would curve to the right. There are three stones in the tunnel.
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