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The Master Of Zooz


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OOC> Okay, sorry for the delay.


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You find the final tunnel you need. It is set up like a school room with a teacher in mortar board and gown standing at a blackboard.


"I have three problems for you to solve. The answer must come from a different one of you each time. This is the first problem. A merchant buys a rare bottle of wine for 10 gold and sells it for 20. He then decides he can do better and buys it back for 25 gold to resell at 35. How much profit does he make from the transaction?"

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You get an odd look. "I'd like to see the maths for that answer. As this is the first riddle we'll let you have another go.


Perhaps you should consider this. Imagine they were two separate bottles of wine. How much did he spend on them together and how much did he sell them for?"

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"Ah yes, it is a trap question you see.


This is the second riddle:-


Three brilliant logicians who know each other well are shown seven stamps; 2 are red, 2 are yellow and 3 are green. The logicians are then blindfolded and a stamp is pasted on the forehead of each. The remaining four stamps are hidden. When the blindfolds are removed A can see the stamps on B and C, B can see the stamps on A and C and C can see the stamps on A and B. A is then asked 'do you know definitely what colour is NOT on your own head?' A replied 'no'. B was then asked the same question. Using the response from A as a clue, she thought for a moment and then said 'no'. From this answer can we deduce the colour of any of the three stamps and if so which?"

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  • 1 month later...
OOC> The down time on the forum maybe means everyone has forgotten about this but three of you have contacted me to say they are interested in going on. It needs an answer to the riddle. There is an answer.
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